Re: Work/job thread.... Wow! Never could I think a man who dislikes his work so much will still work at it! I mean, in our prosperous times and in the most prosperous country of the world... (Well, maybe I do not know something about American prosperity since I live in Russia.)
Re: Work/job thread.... There is no longer anything at all resembling the american prosperity of the old days back before I was born. Now, to live and die in america means to work for corporate bigwigs so they can live in luxury while the workers are killed off by crime. Unless that worker has a riot shotgun that is fully automatic with 30 shell drums and plenty of buckshot and shell grenades. Then it becomes a different ballgame.
Re: Work/job thread.... The shotgun is fine for getting to and from the car. But I prefer an M2 HB for the trip down the freeway. Nothing like a little 'Ma Duece' when you want to reach out and xxxx somebody. :thumbsup:
Re: Work/job thread.... Just got reprimanded for not being a team player and lacking employee engagement. Corporate shennanigans at it's finest, or worst, however you take it. I just want to be left alone and do my job without becoming involved in anything or having to talk to anyone. I can definitely identify with those postmen that just couldn't handle it anymore. Except I don't work in a post office.
Re: Work/job thread.... Necroticpus, have you tried a country vacation or an oversea trip? They say it helps a lot in such predicaments (well, I never had an oversea trip, but neither did I work in american corporation.) Maybe seeing people in other places living bad will help you? (Oh, and in case you decide to travel, do not go to Russia, we live pretty well here.)
Re: Work/job thread.... Hmmmm...I've always wanted to go to Australia and see if the toilet water flushes the wrong way. And I know the Australians have got it rough, living with 1 pound hunter spiders or whatever they are called, all over the place. I've seen australian dudes on youtube try to capture these monsters that sit in the middle of the ceiling in order to make certain that no one ever goes in that room until it leaves, and maybe not even then.
Re: Work/job thread.... I'm a recent college grad/part time web designer/ freelance graphic designer. I'm looking for a full time gig at the moment. Check out my portfolio if you're interested: Don't think you all can call me Sean now, it's still Rex for you lot.
Re: Work/job thread.... Just had a one-on-one meeting with the immediate supervisor because we are forced to meet with them once every month, whether you want to or not. This particular meeting, I told her how I really felt about United Healthcare as big business and how big business infrastructure is exactly like a treefull of monkeys. Some monkeys sit on the bottom branches, some monkeys sit on the middle branches and some monkeys sit on the top branches. The monkeys in the top branches look down and see nothing but smiling faces. The monkeys on the bottom and middle branches look up and see nothing but @$$holes. There is no other truth out there in the multiverse that contains more truth than this statement, as it relates to corporate america and any other business anywhere else.
Re: Work/job thread.... Yes, I quite did. And right before I left today, I got pulled into a private conference room and got put on final warning. Again. For the 3rd time. But, it's ok for a supervisor and a team coordinator to use vulgarity during a team meeting in front of everyone. Just goes to illustrate how correct I was. Is Co8 hiring? My next job will be nowhere near a corporate environment. I just cannot do it anymore. At least not without serious consequences for everyone involved. :chainsaw:
Re: Work/job thread.... I think you need to follow the rules I use when in a meeting with self-important morons: 1. Be polite 2. Be respectful 3. Have a plan to kill them all It keeps me mentally busy and smiling . It keeps them...shall we say...nervous and off-balance. I'm not sure why. :shrug:
Re: Work/job thread.... I used to have those monthly meetings (back before you-know-what) and an annual one too. I sat there in the annual review explaining at great length everything that was wrong with the organisation and ways in which it could all be improved. My supervisor dutifully wrote it all down. We both signed off on it, and I thought, "good, we'll get some action". She then locked it in her "only I have the keys" cabinet in the office, and I do not believe it has seen the light of day since. :yawn:
Re: Work/job thread.... It's friday for me today and work is finished in 1.5 hours.! *SQEEEEEEEEEEE* Oh, and also more potentially good news. I've failed my 2nd month of ramping up and if I can be lucky enough to fail a third month, it's walking papers time. Fingers crossed. Getting closer to that move to Canada out in the deep dark woods where man's shadow has not yet touched. Or maybe I'll move out in the australian outbacks. I've always wanted to go to australia and say "dingoes ate your babay" in my thick australian accent.