Sorry to break this to you guys, but the Humble NPCs option requires you to restart the game from scratch (yes, by clicking "New Game"). You can't change Humble NPCs to "on" or "off" in the middle of a game and make it work. This is a technical limitation related to the way the game saves its games to disk. - Agetian
In the future, when everythnig is as it should be, Humble NPCs wiill default to 'on'. Note this future includes a Thrommel who will never, ever, EVER hand over Fragarach while there's breath in his body. And other, as-it-should-be developments.
Once I got Fragarach by slapping Prince with fists to unconsciousness, then looting him... Oh wait, I wanted to do this, but I do not remember if I succeeded. (see below how it really happened...) Anyway, will that be a legal tactic? Or - let him be killed, then loot him, then reincarnate / raise him... Will he speak to the party then? Or will he just leave? And the most important part - Humble NPCs are great! There is no reason not to like them. If someone feels bad about Prince surrendering his sword, well, do not take it. And Humble NPC opens great opportunities to get Ogre Shaman's greatclub and other such items... And non-humble NPC still sell their equipment to vendors, then it can be bought back (I did this with Fragarach in ToEE vanilla v.1... Ahh, yes, Prince was beaten to unconsciousness (so he could not speak and leave), brought to Hommlet, sword sold. Costly...)
If Prince Thrommel is killed in battle you can loot Fragarach. But to complete the quest you have to revive him or have him revived. After he is revived and is outside the Temple he will leave. You should get the dialog that he will send a suitable reward. If you respond that a reward is not necessary, you will not get one. Otherwise in a random encounter you will be approached by knights and given the reward. The consequence is in the ending. It is stated that Prince Thrommel died as told by the sages, if he dies in the temple, even if you revive him later. If you get him out of the Temple without dying the ending is different, but you do not get Fragarach. I do not know if you beat him into unconsciousness if you will be able to loot Fragarach.
Well, Ted's recent bugfix to the resurrection spell scripts took care of that "consequence" - the "Prince Thrommel is dead" flag now properly gets reset when you resurrect him, meaning the end slide will be the correct one. Heh!
Realmzmaster wrote: "...I do not know if you beat him into unconsciousness if you will be able to loot Fragarach." I must state again that in ToEE v.1 it was impossible for me to loot Fragarach from unconscious Prince, but he eagerly sold it to Brother Smith in Hommlet (being yet unconscious as far as I remember). Also, if killed in the Temple and raised Prince behaved erratically. I do not remember particular details though. Good that this all is / will be fixed.