It was great to be back to work! My knee is holding up well. I think I saw the hawk before I left for work. I'm not sure. A big bird, really big, landed very awkwardly in one of the live oaks. All the song birds immediately flew somewhere else, making all their alarm noises. Maybe the hawk caught a bird, or more likely a squirrel... don't know. I don't see how with such an awkward landing, though. It took off, landed in another live oak, then went up into the the sky and took off in a direction that I can't see from the porch. South. I was very excited. I had a good day, hope you did, too. I hope you have a good night.
A good day. Took up the mantle of "delivery boy" picking up the weekly allowance of bagels. One of the MAIN reasons I do not do the alternate Fridays off deal. A good evening. N came home "100% sure, Dad" that all of his work for school was done and "No, really, I'm 100% sure!" that he had no homework for the weekend. Picked up a few new books to add to the collection. My Summer reading is looking up! Currently trying to finish Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. *Highly recommended!!* Get to spend the morning at the in-laws, setting up for their Easter "box social." My father in law broke his arm so he's unable to move the tables/chairs and set up things. Son-in-Law to the rescue!! (Granted I WAS volunteered by J :roll: It's cool though! :thumbsup To all, have a wonderful holiday, whether you celebrate them or not!
Quiet out for a Friday night. Quiet here on the forum, too. Other people have lives, I guess. The moon is still very full and shining through the live oaks. A couple of frogs have ventured out from under the shutters. It is warm enough to sit on the porch in shorts and a t-shirt. To all who might be going to sleep this early on a Friday night, (or later) on this side of the world, The Nightly Mission: I hope your mind is calm and full of peace. I hope your dreams are sweet and within reach. Wake up feeling great in the morning! G'Night.
A hasty Good Morning! Grey clouds fill the sky this morning, and it feels like rain. Perhaps it will burn off later in the day. The wind plays about, rings my wind chimes, moves my hair. Late this morning, I am off to work. Have a good day, today!
Work today was boring. Lunch with a coworker was not. The sky cleared, was mostly blue with scattered clouds, no rain. Awhile back, I noticed my rock, the one I brought from Oregon that weighs about 5 lbs. was missing. I found it in an area here it shouldn't have been, as the geological formation was of a different type. So I figure it was brought by a glacier. It was pretty, mostly a pinkish color, very hard and smooth. Did I already post about this? Sounds familiar. Anyway, tonight I decide to walk around the house and see if I could find it, and I did. Someone (not me) moved it, probably who ever did the lawn. It is very weathered. I should bring in it and wash it, but not tonight. I am glad I found it. A silly thing, but I like the rock and it brings with it my life in Oregon. I see the squirrels have been very busy cutting off pine cones, little ones, not the bigger ones they would have grown into. My back yard is littered with them. And something is living under my house. I find a really large hole under a small wheelbarrow that is upside down under the back porch. Hmmm...wonder what it could be? I walked around hoping I could see where the hawks are. I am beginning to believe they have moved elsewhere...not a bird in sight and the hawks in this area are huge, almost as big as eagles, so I should have seen one if they are close at hand. Hope you have a good night.
My "few hours of help" turned into an ALL DAY affair. Quite unexpected to say the least. J, N, and I helped my in-laws with the house cleaning, errand running, and cooking. Somehow I wound up making a home made apple pie and a frosting a layer cake. :twitch: The "evil" side of me kept looking for reasons to be annoyed with this whole deal. I couldn't find a one. This is a good thing. I love these people and they actually DON'T annoy me after an extended period of time. Both, especially my mother in law, were so amazingly appreciative of all of our help. They knew, given the current situation, that it could not have been done by the both of them. We were over there for @ 8 hours, a full normal work day. We'll be back over there tomorrow with what my in laws guess to be @ 20 people. A very good thing my father and law and I went out to purchase wine on our errands. I'm tired and more than a little still and painful, after being on my feet all day, but I feel good. There was a satisfying sense of accomplishment. And helping out those I care for, well, hell, that's reward enough in itself! So now to all of you, as I retire with some good coffee, J's love, and a warm cat, I bid you peace.
To all who go to sleep on this side of the world, The Nightly Mission: Sometimes life is like a river all you can do is follow it and see where it will take you. Other times it soars like a bird and you can see for miles and miles and revel at the grand view. They are both one and the same just different ways to get to the place where you are going. Sleep well and sound tonight wrapped in the arms of light. Wake up with a clear head and a warm heart to start your day, see you on your way. G'Night!
Cool out this morning, the breeze makes it feel colder than it is. The birds take turns at the birdbath across the street, even a nearby cat doesn't stop them from splashing away in the water. The highway is quiet. Most everyone, I suppose, is getting ready for Easter Sunday services, or out on their lawns helping their children find eggs. I have an old picture of me dressed up in my Easter outfit. I have on gloves and a hat. If I had a scanner, I'd put the photo in the wannabe thread. My brothers wear suits, look so dressed up, like little men. I hope your day starts well and continues so all day. Good Morning!
There were 4 lizards on the porch today, same species, all different sizes. Three of them were brown, to match the color of the railing they were on, the other was a bright green, leaf green. It was the cutest, in my eyes. I watched them eat bugs. A V shaped flock of white birds flew south, back to one of the ponds in that area, I guess. I think they were geese, but we aren't supposed to have white geese here. Or swans that I know of, either. A redheaded woodpecker sat on top of the light post and sang for awhile. It almost sounds like it is purring. Except louder. It flew to a tree and a squirrel jumped at it and almost got it. Lucky bird. I thought I heard some baby birds chirping. Early, very early, the sun hasn't even gone down for most on this side of the world, but here it is, anyway. Unless I just can't sleep, I'm going to bed. The Nightly Mission If your heart sings feels full of joy and other things that make your life worthwhile, you will sleep in the light and you shall smile even in the darkest night. Wake up in the morning! G'Night.
Just got back from the in-laws. All together a good time. N was the best behaved of the bunch, (All due to J's and myself's influence, thank you!!) Still got suckered into helping with Dinner, even after 8 hours of work yesterday. My Mother -in-law followed my advise for the beef roast and it came out perfectly medium. I prefer medium rare, but what can you do? N raved about the apple pie I helped make. I had to remind him it was a joint effort between me, J, and Gramma. Nonetheless, he loved it. J and I must be doing something right by this kid! To my extended family here at Co*, I did you peace.
I am up well before dawn, probably from going to sleep so early last night. One bird sings and sings, as the sun brings light to the sky, one by one, other birds join in and soon it is a medley of birdsong. I watch the lights in the various houses come on. Vehicles leave for work, the school children aren't outdoors walking (or riding) to school yet. As I was told, to stretch the muscle in my leg, I walk. It is cool enough to wear a sweatshirt, but not sweatpants. It will be hot again today, but not hot for Floridians, I think. Some grey clouds overhead but not many, and I think they will burn away. There is no moisture in the air, I don't have to wipe the chair on the porch off, it is dry. Good Morning! I hope you have a good day.
Ah, that would pose a bit of a problem, wouldn't it? Ah well.... BTW, LOVE the new avatar! *sexy growl*