In the Service of Her Majesty The Queen

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scryler, Jan 11, 2009.

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  1. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Up early again.

    And I am up before the squirrels this morning.

    It is cold...not as cold as other areas, perhaps, but cold enough for Florida.
    My vest and sweatshirt are not enough to stop the wind that cuts right through
    them, making me shiver.

    I run out of coffee and am stuck with emergency supply that
    sits in the pantry probably for a couple of years now, and tastes like...I
    don't know what it tastes like. Something horrible, no matter how much
    milk I put in it. I could, I suppose add vanilla, but then I'd have to also
    put sugar in it, and I stopped liking sugar in my coffee long ago.

    I will be glad when I can drive again. I am out of money to give the
    neighbor women, so I will likely try driving today to the local grocery
    store. That will be a fun experience. Limping around the store. Maybe
    I should try one of those motorized shopping carts, but I won't. Pride.

    Some of the birds are singing when I go out to the porch with my horrible
    coffee to smoke my too strong cigarettes. Isn't there something a little
    wrong with this picture?

    I see a female cardinal land in the green dogwood tree, a red male follows
    her. Another female follows him and chases off the first one. They cluck
    at one another and she spreads her tail feathers, curtseys to him. He
    raises his crest. Suddenly, another red male appears and all three take
    off to the loquat tree. The other female joins them and a terrific squabbling
    takes place. You would think they would pair up, but that doesn't seem to
    be the case. I think it is comical and I laugh.

    Not a bad way to start the day, despite the lousy coffee and harsh cigarettes.

    My leg seems better today, too. I am not propping it up this morning.

    I hope your day goes well and you find a smile or two, as well. Or more.
  2. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Fair Lady, you are late. This worries your subjects. Pray respond to our concerns! :(
  3. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    The moon is as near to full as makes no difference.

    The deepest part of night closes in, silence reigns.

    Cold tonight, it makes me dizzy. My lips tingle.

    All the creatures except the owl sleeps.

    Soon, so will I.

    To all who go to sleep on this side of the world,
    or who are already safely in their beds,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Take the light with you tonight
    and find a safe place within
    you to keep alive and bright.

    Darkness creeps and crawls and calls
    it likes to play hide and seek
    inside your mind, take a toll.

    Fight back with the light.
    Stay safe this night.

    And wake up in the morning!

  4. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Good morning!

    All four cardinals are flying around this morning.

    The two red males chase each other from tree to tree,
    even going under the neighbor's car. The females
    follow the males, one female driving off the other,
    but not for long.

    Just like yesterday, but it seems somehow more
    intense today.

    I realize I haven't seen the little sparrows in awhile,
    perhaps because I haven't refilled the bird feeder.

    A small flock of crows lands in the live oak across
    the street, then on the pavement in front of my house.
    They caw and do their crow croakly thing, making a
    lot of noise and accomplishing nothing by it that I
    can tell. Perhaps they just like to talk to one another.

    It's cold this morning.

    My leg continues to improve. I turn too suddenly and
    put all my weight on the leg I hurt and it bears up,
    but l still hold my breath for a second until I know it
    will hold. I forget and try to cross it over the other
    one, but it is too soon to do that, I think.

    I was restless last night, took a long time to fall into
    sleep. Nothing major, just the mind not cooperating
    with the body. Not unusual at all for me.

    My horrible coffee does not taste as bad today. But I
    am still going to the store to get some real coffee.

    I hope you have a good day.

    I will be tired and have a long night ahead. But actually
    going somewhere today will be nice.
  5. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I would brush your hair back
    from your forehead with my hand,
    feather light,
    so as not to disturb your sleep.

    If I could, I would.
    I would.

    I would smooth your eyebrows
    sleek across your face, my fingers
    gentle, soft, a caress that might
    bring your smile.

    If I could, I would.
    I would.

    I would stare at your face
    mark every feature, my eyes
    burning your memory lest
    I forget you.

    If I could, I would.
    I would.

    I would lay down next to you,
    body to body, bare breasts
    pressed into your back, my hand
    in your hand.

    If I could, I would.
    I would.

    I would pull the long black night
    over us, from head to toe,
    and follow you to whence
    you go.

    If I could, I would.

    Ah yes, I would follow you
    if I could.
  6. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Soothing, touching, sensuous. A deeply moving piece (for me, at least).

    An original composition, perhaps?
  7. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    You are such a romantic at heart. I will say that I do not know how it could
    be soothing, though.

    It was kicking around in my head for 3 days now, and wouldn't leave, so I wrote
    it down. Didn't do much to it, it's pretty rough, actually.

    I, personally, have never had anyone I loved (other than relatives) die, so I
    guess I am a romantic, too.

    Thank you.
  8. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    It is officially the full moon tonight.

    All the birds save one are treed, safely perched.

    One blue jay sits on the lawn, not moving. I wonder
    if it is sick or wounded and decide to walk over and
    see. It flies up into a tree as I come close. I hear
    the clicking the birds make when they are alarmed
    at my presence.

    For some silly reason, I feel like I have done my
    deed for the day. Not that I have done any

    If not great, it was a good day today, looks like it will
    be a decent night.

    I hope you had a good day, too.

    And have a good night.
  9. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  10. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Mostly clear skies here. Low in the sky. Full. WONDERFUL!

    You seem to be attuned to nature and the "Old Faith", perhaps it's Beory's blessing you feel.
  11. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I drove to the local store tonight and bought coffee and cigarettes.

    Ahhh...real coffee. I buy a local product, not grown here, of course,
    but mixed, roasted and packaged in the large town nearby. One of
    the coffee blends they label with the name of our little town; it is one
    of the stronger blends and I usually buy it even though it is relatively
    expensive. In beans, of course.

    I don't care a whole lot about food, one way or the other most of the
    time, but I do care about my coffee.

    I learned to appreciate coffee from a friend's husband who was very
    particular about how it was brewed. I was generally the first one up,
    so it was my job to make the coffee, and he got disgusted by my
    efforts. So I learned the 'proper' way to make coffee. First off, you
    grind the beans. You use a percolator to brew the coffee. Start with
    cold water and add a scant pinch of salt to the water. As soon as the
    water in the little glass percolater cap turns brown, you shut it off.
    It really does taste better, and doesn't take much longer than other

    My knee aches a little, but the short drive didn't seem to hurt it
    significantly, so I am going to work Friday. Yay! Out of the house!

    Beautiful, beautiful full moon tonight.

    To all who go to sleep on this side of the world,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Open the curtains,
    let the moon shine
    on your face.

    Open your heart,
    share who you are
    with someone.

    It will come back
    to you three fold,
    in time, in place.

    Sleep soundly,
    and dream sweet.

    Wake up in the morning!

  12. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Good Morning!

    I am up late this morning, with not enough sleep.

    Evidently I am not the only one.

    The cardinals are elsewhere this morning,
    but I hear the woodpecker's song, if one
    can call it a song, and find it fairly fast in
    the live oak, on the dead branch, eating

    So I have learned one call, at least.

    A hummingbird zooms by, I can barely
    catch it's flight it is so fast.

    Yesterday I watched a bluejay swallow
    a worm. It did not occur in one gulp.
    The thought makes me shudder.

    I see and talk to a dragon on 2nd life.
    I tell him he is beautiful, and he is, and
    get invited to his home. It is a site on
    2nd Life devoted to rp dragons and has
    rules. He gives me the rules, and if I
    ever get a chance to read them, among
    all the other things I want to or am
    reading, I may just visit his home.

    He was huge and spent quite a bit of time
    flapping his wings and flying about. I have
    a good 'spot' where I sit at 2nd Life and
    watch whatever is going on. Or just
    think. Too many people know I sit there it isn't as quiet as it used to be.

    Once again, the moon is officially full, or
    was until 10 am or so. Maybe why some
    of didn't get enough sleep, hmmm?

    Tired or not, I hope to have a good day.

    I hope you do, too.
  13. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Oh, a full moon, eh? That explains the bloodstains on my nighties and the bad breath...
  14. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Vampires cannot enter your house w/o permission, GA82.

    Of course, there are many ways to gain permission, no?
  15. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Actually, it's sort of a monthly "hobby" of mine.

    She does have permission, but not THAT way. (I think) She pays the "rent" by telling the (other) vermin to go elsewhere. She's gone all night and sleeps all day, a GREAT roommate. Except that, sometimes, she leaves her "empties" laying around.
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