Almost forgot again. The nightly mission: To all who will leave to sleep or do whatever people do... I wish you well, wish you good thoughts, and happiness and that you find whatever you need to keep you safely through the night and into the next day. G'Night.
Strangers! Well...we ARE pretty strange. I do traditional karate on top of training Angels because it helps keep me sane, as well as in shape. Otherwise...
Well here's a few more for you! :hug::hug: Can't have enough when your feeling down, eh? Good to hear your doing better. And I agree with GA, we're STRANGE, not STRANGERS.
Good Morning all who wake from sleep! The day here warms rapidly, I do not need my vest when I venture out on the porch. The squirrels feel the sun, and are busy on the ground, digging up the acorns. Flying back and forth from tree to tree as they do, the birds sing, click and warble; they too are busy. I do not see the little fellow from the loquat tree, not even when I scatter the bird seed on the driveway, but the red cardinal comes to peck and dash from seed to seed. Today I take a short journey with a friend to a workshop that will likely be held outdoors, in the woods. It should be interesting, the exorcist has given me permission to go. He has given me his phone number, and says I can call, even in the middle of the night. One more link. I go...hope you all rested well and have a good day.
And a Good Morning to you. We all slept late this morning. Gods that felt good!! Definitely not something that I'm in the habit in, but when it happens it's great. Wonderfully warm days and nights for the last 2 days. LOTS of rain today and colder, but not too bad. A good thing. Washes away all the salt, dirt, and grime. Many links seems to be a strong anchor chain for you. Use 'em. Hell, even us weirdos here at Co8 are here for ya! :hug: Have a safe journey and HAVE FUN!!
I don't really consider you and others here as strangers. We are probably all pretty strange, though. When you think about it. I was on 2nd Life after talking to the exorcist and sitting in a favorite place, just thinking. I have a striking avatar, and guys hit on me all the time, especially the vampires, and I blow them off, not interested. But I didn't blow off this one guy and we just chit-chatted, nothing in particular, and I found just doing pretty meaningless social talk helped. So that's what I meant.
No outing today, my friend with the directions to the site can't go. Sick kid. No homework from the exorcist, either. Time out for awhile. So I will write. Writing is good.
The squirrels chase each other around the tree trunks, on the ground, back and forth and round and round. I laugh, and laughing is good. I see the buds swell on the dogwood and think maybe it will bloom this year, and leaf the way it is supposed to. A squirrel dissuades me of the climbs the tree, tail twitching madly when it sees me, but keeps climbing, nibbling the buds as it goes. I had no idea squirrels eat flowering tree buds. It goes to ground, scampers to the live oak. Another squirrel jumps off my roof onto the dogwood and proceeds to nibble away, also. So not even putting a shield on the trunk will keep the squirrels from the buds. I hope enough of the flowers, the leaves will miss their sharp teeth, but there are many squirrels, so it is not likely. My lawn, mostly weeds right now, has lots of little holes all over it. When I am inside, the squirrels must get very busy with their digging. I look into the loquat tree, and there is no sign of a nest, nor the tiny bird that guarded it. The yellow frost killed leaves continue to fall, my yard is getting quite messy with them. I think, though, that I see the little bird in some bushes growing at the base of one of the live oaks. I think the bush is poison ivy...everytime I try to cut it down and clear it out, I break out in a rash and blister where it has touched me. It is probably a smart move on it's part to build a nest there, the cats can't climb it, neither can the squirrels. Ahhh, night comes soon and I have made it through the day.
The neighborhood is noisy again as the birds perform their morning chorus. A flock of crows settle in a live oak, caw awhile, then leave to the range of trees to the north. One bird, in colors that I have taken to indicate a female blue jay, but that google says is an abberation, sings. It copies every song, chirp, caw, whistle and click I have heard in the last few days and does not appear to want to fly away, just sits there on it's branch and sings and sings. It is still there when I leave to come inside and type. The squirrels busy themselves with squirrelish behaviors. Spring in the South appears to be in full flow. Good Morning to those who wake from sleep! I hope your night went well, I hope you woke with a clear head and find joy today. I hope you bring something positive to the world. The full moon comes, one day and night away.
I missed the birds going to sleep, saw one solitary squirrel heading for it's home. It was warm enough today to bring out the cicadas. Ugly things, and they make a lot of racket once they are out in force. Another month will see the hot weather come...and I'll have to quit smoking again. It will be too hot to be out on the porch. I put out a bird feeder today, and the birds have found it. Likely the squirrels will, too, but there isn't any way where I put it to keep them away. I plan on watching them from indoors when the heat increases here. Lots of things to think about today...but now I write.
I saw something tonight I have never seen before. An owl took a bird, right out of the tree. I hope it wasn't the red cardinal. It's colder, so the cicadas have shut up. Once again it is quiet, still, outside. It made the crash from the owl smashing thought the leaves and small branches to get the bird that much louder. Besides seeing it fly to the next tree, I could hear each flap of it's wings. A very early nightly mission, even though I am not sleepy: To all who go to sleep this night, Go to sleep without confusion or false hope. Be in the real world and fall into deep sleep with no fear. Let the light from something...the moon, someone's smile, a thought perhaps, shine on your face and bring peace. Rise in the morning, alive and well! G'Night.
The first work morning after Daylight Savings Time. I miss the sunrises. :sadblinky That and the early light that let me see the pot holes alot easier! One bit of great news from the weekend... My son got his 2nd Trimester report card and there was defnitie, marked improvement! All of us parental units (me and the 2 J's) were dreading this one as we've been working to get the little guy to do better in school. It's not stellar improvement, but it's pretty damn good! Even the little guys thrilled! As well he should be. He's got a lot to be proud about! Survived all the rain here with nary a care and even found great deals on new light coats for all of us. (This is so cool... I got mine for free and J got an additional $20 off her's. My son's was the only one we paid full price for!) Have a good morning/day/nite/week/your choice.
Up as the sun rises, but not before the birds and squirrels. The birds do their everyday morning thing...singing, flying from tree to tree, waiting for me to leave the porch so they can get at the birdseed in the feeder, I guess. The squirrels chase each other, but haven't gone to the ground yet. I'd prefer to get up later, much later, but that isn't happening. I want some things to change, and I think some have or are well on their way, but not when I wake. I like being a night person. Good Morning to those who made it through the night and rise from sleep.