Using a buckler also costs you the x1.5 two-handed damage bonus. That's why I never use a buckler except with a twf or archer. Also, Templar - the greataxe is a two-hander, so your pally will have to be battleaxe/shield or two-handed sword. (I actually like to use a pally with the cleaver - craft one up with Holy and Axiomatic and it becomes a Temple-clearer deluxe!)
Someone in your party needs to be male and Char 16+ to get Filikin's Holy Sword for marrying Meleny: presumably the sorceror. (And remember, you would be married to a little hottie who keeps saying "I'll get right on it!")
Every time Meleny says "I'm on it!", I think "Crack!" =)) FYI - if you're making a cleric with warhammer, do give him a nice shield; also there's a deity with favoured weapon warhammer iirc, try that +war domain.
2 really good shields if you're evil, the Drow leader in Deklo grove that appears for evil parties can be "relieved" of his +3 shield, I've done it with a 3rd level party. The St. Cuthbert head cleric (forgot his name) has a +5 shield, I've managed to take him down with a 7th level party, but it's rough, gotta pray you land a Tasha's and mug him! Rey~
lol, yes it will be my 18 char sorcerer. And I'm putting final notes down for the party, going to make my paladin a cleaver/shield, and my druid/fighter a battleaxe/shield. Or two cleavers for paladin. Its hard to deciede. My barbarian last time was 1/2 orc. I'm considering a human or dwarf this time, I'll consult my manual for their bonuses.
Hendrack uses a 2handed warhammer, my cleric with 18 strength cannot use it with a sheild (though Hendrack seemed to do so just fine )
That's not good :thumbsdow those little goody too shoes! Still trying to pick something for Melany. I'm boosting her to 14 strength and giving her fighter levels. Pretty sure she'll go with a 2 handed weapon. Maybe scythe, 2d4, 20 x4 on critical looks nice to. So does falchion.
I used to always give her a longspear, on the grounds that she was too weak to be in the front line of combat and didn't have a lot of options otherwise. She didn't hit with it, but she looked good missing. In my current game she has a belt of make-me-strong, a +1 mace I found somewhere, and she's a troll, so I just throw her into melee and she usually holds her own.
How do you alter their race? I thought about Oolghrist if I was ever evil, but he's way in the temple anyway. I went with mace before so I may take the scythe and then improved critical. I'm changing her to 14 strength and 14 con and taking 3 off her wisdom as a bit of a tradeoff for it.
I don't literally mean she's 9' tall and green - I mean I gave her the amulet thingy from the witch that lets her regenerate.
I don't know, I gave Melany her father's Holy Sword (since my party is evil), and she did a reasonable job with it. She will never make a great fighter, with that low strength of hers, but at least she could fight back reasonably. Don't ask me why she's proficient with it - must be a bug. She was also able to use the Unholy Orc Double-Axe with no penalty, go figure.