What does this spell do? OK. Dispel Water, d'uh. But what water? Where? I can't find a description of it.
Good question. Water Elementals. Don't EVER go away, Scryler. It's probably a good thing you didn't ask about Dispel Air. I would have failed my often necessary saving throw vs. Smart Remark.
It likely applies to any creature with the water subtype, but I can't actually come up with any besides water elementals. As an analogue, though, dispel fire would probably work against salamanders.
I believe that any of the "Dispel" spells, (water, earth, evil, etc) give the caster some sort of buff/bonus to AC against creatures of that type/base. I sort of remember these spells actually being damage and affliction causing attack spells in the PnP version. Here in ToEE, they seem to act as player buffs. Where the heck is Basil the Timid, Rules God Extrodinaire? He'd give us the correct , and VERY detailed oriented answer.
Presumably they're analogues of dispel evil, only for different types of creatures. It has multiple possible effects, but I don't really know how it's implemented in ToEE (maybe they just went for a flat AC bonus).
Is there a way to get the "dispel" part of the Dispel Evil family of spells working? (evil, chaos, good, law, air, earth, fire, water). All 8 of them give the +4 AC buff properly, but the dispel attack just fizzles when I make the touch attack on an appropriate creature. Then the spell ends, as it is supposed to based on the rules, but the creature is never removed.
Presumably if you mess around with the scr file for the spell to bring in a banishment effect, you could get it to work.
I've actually never used dismissal, banishment, or the dispel elemental spells. If they don't work properly, maybe you'll have to use a disintegrate effect instead.
The Dismissal and Banishment spells are scripted to only work on summoned creatures and outsiders, not extraplanar creatures. IIRC this was scripted back when Senshock's elementals and node creatures were the only extraplanars around. The idea, I think, was that Senshock's elementals have been here so long that they're natives, while in the nodes the elementals aren't extraplanar -- your party is. This makes the spells somewhat broken if you're playing NC, since now there are plenty more elementals around. The effect works just fine when called. I don't see how Dispel Water would use it, though.