Relationship Rant Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gaear, Dec 22, 2008.

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  1. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Your first name is "iyield"? Sounds Swedish. Mmmm...
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    You've got to have something to start with though. Right now we have 'guy from Houston, Texas, USA who's in the Guardian Angels and goes out with A while being friends with C.' That's not enough. ;)

    I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you. 'Single realist girl from the hurricane zone' is all we have on your chart at this point.

    I think vBulletin always has that option. Don't worry, there are no children's forums here.

    Too true. I didn't meet the last GF face to face until after I had talked to her for a month on the phone. And by that time it was too late to change the tide. ;)

    btw, there are men who have got both 'game' and wit/intel, just as there are men who have neither. If your friend's telling you there aren't, she just hasn't met them yet. You neither, by the sound. I suspect it's more likely that your friend wants guys to fit into those neat and easily identifiable categories; but despite the attraction of cookie-cutter stereotypes, they don't often play out that way in RL.


    :blink: If only .....

    Consider yourself lucky.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  3. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I don't know...she has a lot of become an 'astute judge of charactor' IMO, you aren't born that way. But you may be right, in a different manner. She's a game player, and has a lot of 'street smarts.' I've never been interested in playing the type of games she plays...but I haven't lived her life, either.

    If I was to describe her as a D&D character, I'd say she was a fallen Paladin with casting abilities (Illusion and Glamor spells), who has redeemed herself, but has occasional lapses.

    Sure a good thing that you don't get timed out on this forum. I'm taking a long time because I am thinking hard and trying to be honest. I keep wanting to lie. You are right, I think, that I haven't met many men who have 'game' and wit/intel. I haven't been looking in the right places.
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Thoughtful posts are good posts. :thumbsup:

    I'm not sure that looking is the right way to go about it. Maybe moreso just siezing the opportunity when you see it. If, for example, you're looking at the bar, IMO you're not likely to find them there. If you're looking through dating services or on Facebook and the like, I'd be skeptical of what people say they are. (And internet forums are definitely a no-no. ;)) If on the other hand you see it (or some potential for it) when you unexpectedly meet somebody at work, or somebody who's helping your friend move on a weekend, or even when you run into that guy at that supermarket again, well ... that just might be it. Like 82 says, try it and see.

    BUT ... I will say that I don't really think you need our advice on how to go about that. I'm being completely honest when I say that girls are (imo) much smarter and better equipped at handling all life's nuances than guys are. You seem a clever girl, and I suspect you'll be fine in the end. :)

    btw, when your friend says that you "require" a guy who can stimulate you both physically and intellectually, is that really true? Going at it from that perspective in the first place is liable to drastically reduce the number of contenders.

    But meh, you're a girl, you've got intuition. Just follow it. ;)


    Missed this the first time, sorry ...

    Ah yes GA, they are in charge in many ways, but I've never seen a girl who didn't want their guy to at least come off like he was in charge, even if they knew better. Lack of confidence and/or low self esteem on the part of the guy are almost always deal-breakers for women, in my experience.

    I believe it goes back to the whole guys protecting/girls nurturing thing, coincidentally. Protecting has little practical value in the modern world - you can get plenty of protection from police, guardian angels, and security guards. It's not like guys are out there repelling attacks from rival clans or anything. But nurturing does retain a great amount of significance, and women provide that day in and day out. Still, they like to hang onto the notion that they are 'safe' with their guy on some level. It makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. So if a low self-esteem guy can't even appear to do that, or worse if the girl has to provide both services, it becomes a question of investment vs. return, and suddenly it's a losing proposition. Say goodbye once that happens.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  5. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    We are a 30 year old, well-organized international organization. With just what you said, you could EASILY track me down by phone or e-mail.

    On the other point:

    NOT having a few days (weeks) of grief would be worrisome. ;)
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  6. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    To clarify...I don't mean looking, exactly. I've been immersed in a closed community that excludes men who have both qualities of wit/intel and 'game.' That's the light bulb moment that I was thinking so hard about.

    And I know better than to trust dating services, Facebook and forums. (I am generally the one dispensing the "don't look here or there" it feels odd to have someone saying it to me!)

    No...I have a friend who belongs to an alternative community of people...fairly liberal and women who are establishing an unofficial, non-registered, working egalitarian community, and my friend has been trying to 'back door' me into this community for awhile. (And no, it's not a commune or anything like that, or a cult.) I've been resisting. I'm thinking I should should stop resisting.

    Chemistry comes first. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. It would be nice, though, if the wit/intel was part of the chemistry. And intuition is my strongest talent. When I shut the yapping up (the internal dialogue), I am amazed at what I know.

    I do like confidence. I don't like take-over guys. Either ask me if I want to switch the TV channel, or throw away the remote. Don't assume you are going to drive, ask me if I want to, and don't pout or fume if I want to, or feel emasculated. And really be interested in what I have to say rather than trying to out-debate me.

    I don't know about being protective, per se. I don't really like being protected, unless it is necessary. (I lived in one place where it was necessary...I was totally unaware of the cultural restrictions.) Maybe the guy needs to feel protective?

    He'd damn well better have my back...though. Because I'll have his. No question, there. Maybe that's what you and HK mean.
  7. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    lo, I am largely Swedish by inheritance. The rest is a hodgepodge of English, Irish, Welsh and Scot. (My maternal grandmother's side of the family evidently moved around a lot.) There are hotly contested rumors that our family has Native American blood. And, finally, there is a very small smidgeon of French. Teeny, tiny. And the record stops there.
  8. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    My last name came from Scotland, ten generations ago. The ruins of our old castle are on the edge of Renfrew, near the Glasgow airport. The written records go back to about the time of the Norman invasion.

    The rest (1023/1024ths) is a similar hodge-podge of North Europeans, including Svenska, with a little of this and that thrown in. You can't tell by me, but I'm supposed to be 1/32 Cherokee ( S Tenessee). Two of my sisters show, though. Most of the people with my last name are blood-kin, it's kind of a rare name.
  9. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Are you the commander of your chapter by any chance? See, thing is, I have no way of really knowing. You mentioning the phone/e-mail likelihood is metagaming. ;)

    Nothing to be sorry for - just another kernal of information to file away. I've suspected as much right along.

    LOL ... in other words, be the perfect guy! And btw, do it without me telling you what the perfect guy is. ;) Seriously, how could anybody get all that right on the first try?

    That illustrates the point I was making perfectly. He'd "better have your back," because you want to feel you're safe. And yet, you know that there's little real need for protection. And yes, it's very much about the guy too. A guy who can't 'man up' and feel like he's protecting his girl from time to time will soon exhibit signs of frustration and feelings of uselessness. Then he'll need a "you're tough!" pep talk from the girl, after which she'll provide opportunity to prove his manhood by sending him out to rake the leaves. ;)

    btw, this cult you're caught up in sounds kind of interesting ... and a little dangerous. :nervous:
  10. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    That listing is in error, that guy is not the commander. They updated the name and number, but not the title. (more metagaming) ;)

    You'd want that in any partnership. But, I think that it's instinctive in this one. After fathering a few children, hubby's job includes providing a tasty snack for the saber-toothed tiger while mom and the kids slip out the back of the cave. And keeping those evil leaves away from the house.

    Are there ANY good cults?
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  11. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Hello? It's called being considerate. I don't think I expect anyone to be perfect. And the 'first try' aspect should be long gone by the time the remote issue comes up. Well. Maybe not. Difficult to get my mind around that one.

    In my book, it's more a matter of obligation than protection.

    I don't get this. I really don't. GA82's analogy doesn't feel right, either. I mean think about it. Mom cave-woman is likely doing her best to bring down or scare off the saber-tooth tiger, right along with dad caveman. And maybe a couple of the kid cavesiblings are right in there with mom and pop. Throwing stones, if nothing else.

    Is this behavior (because it is behavior you are talking about) to impress other men, maybe? And whose behavior. His or her's?

    I'd like to know more about this idea of men being taught to protect.

    Where is H.K.?
  12. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    You are correct. We need a laugh spoiler(?). Sometimes I'm taken too seriously. My analysis is nonsense. It was meant as a hyperbole. :errf:

    The correct model is a division of responsibility and effort. Everyone has roles and everyone helps others with their roles. Failures in responsibility are negotiated.

    Our "cavemen" would indeed join together to defend the cave. When the tiger focuses on one of them, the others attack from the flank immediately. This continues until the tiger leaves or becomes food. Similar to Guardian Angel tactics.

    Men are taught to take care of their friends. And not to hit girls (back). Some of this comes from men tending to resolve conflicts through competition, while women tend to communication. These are only tendencies.

    I think HK is in Argentina. ;)
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2009
  13. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Ah. This makes sense. Teamwork vs solitary effort. Thanks.
  14. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Heh, I thought you were showing your sublety trait when you told HK you didn't know about that. ;)

    I didn't make it up; it seems to be a pretty commonly held notion, along with women being nurturers. As I think of it, I've actually heard that division laid out more by women than men. At any rate, I don't know that I can elaborate much more on it. It's one of those 'is was it is' things, I suppose.

    Fair enough. But what if he wants to drive? Are you considerate of that, or is it only his job to be considerate? ;)

    The point is, you seem to be making a fairly wide variety of demands, and I don't know that it's realistic to think that he'll be able to anticipate you on them all. :shrug: My guess is that if he somehow did, you'd start thinking that he was smothering you or being overly considerate. (Only half joking there.)
  15. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Please, don't apologize. ;)

    The "traditional" roles don't work. Somebody gets overloaded, and has to get help. The other has to help, not criticize. There has to be room for solitary effort, too. Otherwise, someone gets smothered. No two partnerships are alike.

    When I was in the service, units were just beginning to be sexually segregated. Honestly, I wasn't sure that was a good idea. But, I learned that the mind and the skills are more important than a penis. :p

    Once, I tagged along on another unit's recon patrol during an FTX. They were very good and worked well together. The only thing is, I kept looking at their Ratelo's butt. This had me worried at first, until I got a clue. You can guess why. :blink:
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2009
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