New Feats for the ToEE Engine

Discussion in 'ToEE Toolset Project Documentation' started by Shiningted, Dec 23, 2007.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    If you wanna have a go at the spiked shield model, go right ahead :)

    To do the spell components, we would have to add a line or two to every spell that has a material component in the game, to make them fizzle if the component (or feat ;)) is lacking.
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I saw that but I didn't reply because I wouldn't have a clue how to implement it - sorry.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    THREADROMANCY!!! :evil_laug

    Just bumping this while I think of something. Consider the following passage from the PHB (quoted under fair-use policy):

    Profession: You are trained in a livelihood or professional role, such as apothecary, boater, herbalist, bookkeeper, brewer, cook, driver, farmer, guide, fisher, herder, lumberjack, hunter, innkeeper, miller, miner, porter, rancher, sailor, scribe, siege engineer, stablehand, tanner, teamster, woodcutter or the like.

    My idea: since we can't specify but can only appoint one blanket 'Profession' skill, I was thinking, what if we set specific professions for specific classes? For instance, all fighters who take Profession are assumed to be Profession (Teamster), all Rogues are Profession (Brewer), all Rangers are Profession (Hunter) etc. That way we could introduce opportunities for multiple professions.

    For anyone who like this idea, what Professions could we add, and for what classes?

    Keep in mind the distinction between a Profession and a Craft, and also keep in mind Profession (Taxidermy) is already on the table. Also keep in mind the limits of ToEE: Siege Engineer may sound cool but would be meaningless in ToEE.

    ADD: I think I will do Profession (Herbalist) for Druids.

    ADD: Make that Druids and Rangers, until we have a full set. So the current thinking is

    Profession (Taxidermy) - Wizards and Sorcerers

    Profession (Herbalist) - Druids and Rangers

    Profession (Gemcutter) - Rogue (eg Nira Melubb)

    ADD: Make that Rogues AND Bards, since Gnomes, the crafters par excellence, favoured class is Bard. Also note that Dwarves get +2 when Crafting with Stone.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2009
  4. Masked Marauder

    Masked Marauder Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    I didn't know we could do professions, but here's some ideas off the top of my head:

    Merchant (Appraise +2)
    Con Artist (Bluff +2)
    Mentalist (Concentration +2)
    Diplomat (Diplomacy +2)
    Trapper (Disable Device +2)
    Spy (Gather Information +2)
    Herbalist (Heal +2)
    Recluse (Hide +2)
    Thug (Intimidate +2)
    ? (Listen +2)
    Hunter (Move Silently +2)
    Locksmith (Open Lock +2)
    Musician (Perform +2)
    ? (Search +2)
    Apprentice Mage (Spellcraft +2)
    Scout (Spot +2)
    Hermit (Survival +2)
    Inquisitor (Sense Motive +2)
    Pickpocket (Sleight of Hand +2)
    Acrobat (Tumble +2)
    Tinker (Use Magic Device +2)

    I'm not sure what professions to associate with what classes and what crossovers there might be though. Thoughts?
  5. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Ooh, professions!
    Cool :)

    Hum, i think that professions should have various ways to work. Nothing complicated, let me babbble a bit...

    ---Professions could work two ways
    -supporting: this means, the normal way, granting bonuses to existing, available skill to the charcter. A simple example would be teamster (handle animals +2) for fighters, which have that skill as a class skill.
    -Versatility: this means, granting bonus to cross-class skills.A simple example could be Hunter (move silently +2) for a fighter, since MS is a cross-clas skill but doesn't require to be trained. This could work better if the profession could be picked at some point during the game (thus, a player could choose which profession to add), but i dunno if this can be done.

    ---Also, every profession should let the character earn some coins, it wouldn't make sense any other way. Or pick stuff that would be useless for others without the skill. A simple example could be woodcutter, could let you gather wood and sell it for some coins, but if the charcter doesn't have the skill, he'll be simply carrying logs (a flag/script could make the difference, as if a charcter w/out the skill simply picked whortless wood, while a woodcutter would know which wood is good). A simplier way could be to place "chests" trees, which only the woodcutter could loot or something like that.

    ---Skills should be balanced. They should grant either a bonus to other skills, or let you earn some coins.
    While cook doesn't grant any bonus, could let you earns some cash.
    The problem with this is that, at the rate you earns money in the game, it would be whortless. The other approach to this is that a cook could actually make some meals that could be used for hwatever, and the same to other "creating" skills.


    So, basically, all skills would grant a way to earn some coins, but some could grant the skill bonus, and others extra coins or stuff-creating. That would let "meta-gamers" happy (extra skills! cool), and "old school rpg guys" happy too (hum, could i use this meal on the guardian dog?)
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2008
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yeah, that's the way I am thinking.
    Well, its fiddly. There are probably a few different ways it could be done and I dare say we could come up with a simple, streamlined method, but I think the 'profession by class' method would be very simple (if restrictive).

    Anyways, keep the ideas coming :)
  7. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Yah, i figured so. Pity.

    So, sticking with "profession by class":

    -Fighter---Teamster (handle animal +2) If you implement the idea of buying animals like dogs, this could be finally useful.
    -Paladin---Blacksmith? (restores rusty equipment?)
    -Ranger---Hunter (move silently +2) Better prices when selling hides also
    -Barbarian---Forager (survival +2?) random chance to find meat, fur, wood or the like in small quantities
    -Wizard---Bookkeeper (decipher script +2 ?)
    -Sorcerer---Brewer (not like doing potions, but heck...)
    -Rogue---street urchin? (pick pocket +2) that's livelihood enough :p
    -Bard---street artist/acrobat (tumble or perform +2)
    -Cleric---Apothecary? (identify potions automatic/internal roll? the more points, the better?)
    -Druid---Herbalism (heal +2) Better prices when selling roots and strange herbs :smoke:
    -Monk---Cook (can create food, ovbiously) Salable or useful for whatever

    Every skill should earn some coins, this could be implemented by asking for job to the right person. For example, a fighter/teamster could be able to help in taming some horses in the keep stables, or a cleric/apothecary could help the local church (or a merchant) to keep track of their stash. I suggest that everytime you take one of those jobs, time passes (there are RAW rules for that) to avoid the crafting items problems. Working for certain factions could earns some reputation too; if you help the merchant guild to organize all their stuff, they could be more friendly, etc.
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Hmmmm... ok I will think about all that :)
    "Those fish and chips were excellent! Excuse me, are you the fish friar?"
    "O no, I'm the chip monk."
  9. Heavydan85

    Heavydan85 Drinking Champion

    Jun 21, 2005
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    Monkey Grip gives you a -2...goliath barbarian with monkey grip, huge scythe=most broke character I have ever played...base 3d6 +21 damage just from ranging no power attack!!!! and the x4 crit was just ridiculous
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Ok, I've been thinking about the whole 'Improved Precise Shot' idea and came up with something. More to the point, I was looking through a non-WotC d20 book and found something ;)

    The feat was called 'Deadly Precision' or something. Now, its not the inevitable 'add 1d6 damage' pseudo-sneak-attack that every second prestige class seems to get, rather the idea is

    When attacking with a ranged weapon, the Ranger strikes with such deadly precision he can add his Dex bonus to damage

    Nothing like the 'ignore cover' idea of IPS, but its something.


    - Not too overpowered? Won't stack with Power Attack or anything.
    - Genuine 'Precise Shot' idea (if totally different to core.)
    - Gives the Ranger archer his bonus feat at lvl 11 (the whole point).
    - Implemented through change to 'far shot' file, so could be an option, only used by those who want it.


    - May be overpowered for weapons that already add strength bonus like composite bows (we could leave it off those if necessary).
    - Non-core.
    - Not 'seamless' - you wouldn't get the feat showing up in your list, and yuo wouldn't get it showing up in the rolls box either - the weapon would just show up as having +4 (or 5 or whatever) bonus, over and above magical boni. Would only appear seamless on the surface of the game, not when you went digging.
    - Could not be restricted to a single or full attack, so would occur on every attack including every element of a Rapid Shot / Many Shot multiattack. (Original idea was it could only be done with a single shot full attack). Overpowered? An 11th level Elven Ranger with 22 Dex and Gloves + 6 would be adding +9 to damage on each of his however-many attacks he gets (4? 6? 12 arrows?) Hmmm... :blink: That definitely SHOULDN'T stack with a Str bonus, should it...

    Anyways, everybody throw in their opinion on pros or cons of this and if necessary I will put it to a vote once the little niggles are ironed out.
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  11. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Is there a way to add HALF the dexterity bonus for Improved Precise Shot? Maybe we can add the full dexterity bonus for Greater Precise Shot at say, level 17.
  12. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yeah, sure: I am doing it by script, so we can add (1/2 Dex + 1/4 Cha - 2 * Wis) if we want :)

    1/2 Dex is not a bad idea: I have been putting slightly more thought into it, and usualy something that adds damage either has strict requirements (criticals, sneak attacks etc) or a negative side (like Power ATtack or Rage), while its no accident Weapon Specialisation is restricted to fighters.
  13. Bob Corncob

    Bob Corncob Maverick Moon Miner

    Apr 13, 2007
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    How about 1/2 strength? Would be a nice reward for archery-path Rangers, simulating just how deadly a high-level archer can be.
  14. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    What would the compensation be for TWF Rangers? Getting this feat for a Ranger that took TWF (and thus didn't get the other archery feats) doesn't make a whole lotta sense...
  15. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Wouldn't that only apply to composite bows? They're the only bows that apply Strength to the damage factor, IIRC.
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