Thanks, Sitra, I managed to get it right this time. I'm uploading the debug text file. I can't make heads or tails of it but maybe someone will see something obvious? So at a certain point in the text I start seeing "unreleased widget" appended to everything, like this: Performing action for Pirate Skirmisher (1dc8321d092) move action Pirate Skirmisher (1dc8321d092)tig_exit(): Function loadscreen.c (#23) tig_exit(): Function console.c (#22) tig_exit(): Function font.c (#21) tig_font_unacquire tig_exit(): Function wft.c (#20) charmap_ui.c(203): unreleased widget. charmap_ui.c(182): unreleased widget. charmap_ui.c(167): unreleased widget. slider_ui.c(1045): unreleased widget. slider_ui.c(1014): unreleased widget. etc. Then it ends like this: ObjectEvent.c(597): unreleased idx table. objfade.c(67): unreleased idx table. reputation.c(120): unreleased idx table. map.c(436): unreleased idx table. jumppoint.c(97): unreleased idx table. Spell.c(499): unreleased idx table. scriptname.c(61): unreleased idx table. ui_art_manager.c(35): unreleased idx table. ui_art_manager.c(35): unreleased idx table. ui_art_manager.c(35): unreleased idx table. ui_art_manager.c(35): unreleased idx table. Object.c(323): unreleased idx table. Spell.c(451): unreleased idx table. scriptname.c(30): unreleased idx table. tig_exit(): Function debug.c (#1) tig_exit(): Function memory.c (#0) Also, something I've forgotten to mention, for a while in this game enemy spellcasters off-screen were casting something and the roll log would spam something about a dummy failing its save (I think it may have made a save or two, but 95% of the time it was "failed"). Don't know if that's relevant; this wasn't the first encounter where it happened.
New issue: in Spoiler Treem's estate, during the boss battle the Bone Demon has twice ended my run with infinite attacks. He only stops attacking when there's no target near enough for him to reach, and he's got looooong arms. He spent about 10 attacks taking out my cleric and then moved on to my fighter. I quit the game after he took him down in 5 or so attacks, can't remember if it was ability score damage or just hit points. He seemed to hit an awful lot, but I'm pretty sure he missed more than once during the buzz-saw attacks and kept going, so it doesn't seem like he's got endless AoO's. Of the three times I've tried the battle, I've had it close to won twice; this last time I managed to land silence on the boss and took his wizard pal out with AoE spells that got past his resistance but the enemy in question just straight up murders at least two and once three characters regardless of what I do. Maybe if pick up hold monster and land it I can finish the battle...
@rojay 1. The endless attacks of opportunity from the Bone Devil is a bug. That's not how the creature is supposed to work, because that would be insane. It's been fixed for the next release. The bug is caused by Improved Invisibility, which it casts on itself as an "at will" spell-like ability at the start of combat. It should really only be regular Invisibilty, which I have also changed. Fix: I have attached a file which will fix this problem. The file's name is: "Spell632 - Beholder", in the Temple folder called "\data\scr". You can just backup the current file somewhere, then copy in the attached file. I guess I never ran across this in my own testing, because all my casters always use the "Cast Defensively" option, and never draw attacks of opportunity. 2. Pirate combat is crashing - checking this out today. 3. Regarding THIS problem you encountered: I want to be sure I know what you mean exactly. Does this mean that you were attempting to cast Stoneskin, but cast Resist Fire instead? I'm pretty sure that's what you mean. If so, this happens sometimes when you try to buff a spell at the same time a nearby NPC is buffing a different spell. The program gets the spells mixed up, and you get the other guys spell instead. I get this a lot at the Temple in the original game when nearby priests are buffing protection spells. 4. The Extraplanar Chest is NOT with the pirates. It's back in chapter 1... Spoiler Under the bed in the Mistress's room in the Hidden Stronghold. It's the room at the very bottom-right on level 1.
Thanks rojay. Unfortunately there's no smoking gun in that log that I can see. Is it a repeatable issue or something that happens once in a while?
Thank you both for responding. I'm going to install the file and try the Treem combat again when I have a moment. I'll confirm it worked when I can. That seems like the most likely cause. It happened right after I went down the ladder to the basement where that combat occurs as my first buff spell, I think and I'm pretty sure the concubine is also casting buffs at that point. At first I thought I'd mis-clicked on the spell to cast but my wizard didn't have a resist fire scroll and doesn't know the spell. If you mean the crashing, it's happened every time I run through the combat. If you mean the "dummy fails save" then, sort of. It happens every time in that combat, but it also happens in other combats now and again. It doesn't affect the game that I can tell.
I've just ran thru all the pirate combat in the caves, twice. And had no crashes or bugs at all. No have I ever had crashes there in my testing. So there must be something particular in your party, or a spell you're using that I never use. Someone wrote above about using a lot of lingering area-effect spells like Grease, Web, Stinking Cloud, etc. I rarely use these spells, so that may be a blind-spot in my testing. I'll retest using some of those spells. Just ignore the Dummy guys, unless they are a problem outside of clogging up the Rolls History area. Those are dummy NPC's, as the name implies, that I spawn (and then quickly remove). I use them to help NPC's target area spells like Fireball and Deep Slumber.
Roger. When I try the pirate combat again I'll try not to use area of effect spells and I'll let you know if that changes anything. Just had another crash during the Treem estate battle; the file fixed the endless AoO's, so that's good. Uploading the debug file in case it helps. I've got some things to take care of that may keep me from playing for a bit, but I really appreciate the help and I'll be back to continue reporting when I have the time. Well, no, because the debug file is 1.5M and it's too large to upload. Lots of stuff like this: This time, both enemy spellcasters looked like they were trying to cast every spell in their book, but they were both silenced. This showed up in the debug file a lot: Also a bunch of this: Then towards the end this: followed by several hundred lines of unreleased widgets, and ending with the tig_exit messages and some "unreleased idx table" messages. Don't know if any of this is helpful. I may uninstall everything and reinstall without Temple+ at some point to see if that solves the various issues. I wouldn't be bothering if this wasn't such a great mod, so thanks again Marc.
The log details aren't out of the ordinary for ToEE. The only thing the log tells, as far as I can tell, is that it crashes during one of the enemy NPCs turns while performing some action (previously it was a move action, now an attack). This could be due to any number of game systems in ToEE malfunctioning, but the most common issue in general is with invalid object handles lingering in the game for some reason. I've fixed many such issues in Temple+, for all I know it could be one of them (would be interesting to test with Temple+, out of curiosity). Practically speaking, you could also try one of several things: 1. Exit and re enter the map. 2. Enter and exit combat mode manually. 3. Destroy the critters that cause problems via script (if you can't get around them) Also if you have a save that can reliably reproduce the issue, please post it and I'll take a look.
Exiting and re-entering the map appears to have fixed it, because I managed to make it through the encounter at Temm's (don't know why I kept thinking it was "Treem") estate. For future reference, by "Enter and exit combat mode manually" do you mean "initiate combat before approaching/starting dialog"? That's how I've been starting the pirate battle that crashes - opening with stinking cloud. I'll try that battle again before long and post the save if it crashes. I'm not sure I exited and re-entered that map, though I think I did.
I mean pressing 'C' and then exiting combat mode by pressing it again. Sometimes things get stuck in the combat initiative list and it can clear them up.
Thanks to your help, gentlemen, I have managed to progress and as a result get my ass handed to me several times. After finishing the Temm Estate quest and most of Luxwood, I went back and tried the initial fight in the pirate cave that I'd never gotten through without crashing. I wish I could tell you for certain that leaving the map and returning was what did the trick, but I don't know. Made it through the pirate fight with no problem, handled the next fight and then met up with Spoiler Gelwea. The first time I wasn't ready for it and one of his AoE cone attacks took out three characters and the next two died shortly thereafter. Second time I did pre-buff, but not enough. I was doing fairly well until the six or seventh round, when I'd killed every enemy but him and a concubine. He cast cone of cold again and took out three characters despite my attempt to get my wizard, at least, out of the area of effect. I can't complain; I've used that huge spread to my advantage more than once. My rogue and paladin were left and the other characters were down but not dead. I had them both attacking in melee and got Gelwea to "badly injured" when, my paladin having less than 20 hp left, I used lay on hands and mis-clicked and healed Gelwea instead of my paladin. I think my rogue was down at that point too, so I just quit. Tough fight but I can see winning it the next time I try it. I'm also starting to understand why many enemies have immunities or DR to a lot of stuff. My characters are all 10th level now, and my two melee characters have 22 strength and 30 AC. I could get them to 32 if I fully activate their +3 defending weapons. They still don't do tons of damage per hit even with that strength, weapon focus, greater weapon focus and elemental damage on their weapons. When I get the rogue into position I can do some serious damage from sneak attack but a lot of enemies are immune and it's hard to know when you're actually flanking. I'm saying most of this as feedback because while enemies who can bypass AoOs with rogue levels, sneak attack at +20 and bypass DR from stoneskin are difficult, they're not insurmountable and I've tried and succeeded on fights with varying tactics. Confusion in particular has been really handy lately. Question: I've only just gotten Cloudkill and have used it twice. Each time there is absolutely no effect. This was in the pirate cave and while I expect most of those enemies to take no more than half damage where a reflex save is involved, none of them even seemed to notice the effect even though stinking cloud regularly caused the same enemy types (pirate bowmen, pirate swashbucklers and pirate bruisers) to lose multiple turns while they were in the AoE. Is Cloudkill not worth it?
Marc, new issue: game froze in Paladin's Cove after I completed Luxwood and I could not end the process with task manager because I could not open task manager. Had to do a hard restart. The debug file is too big to attach and too big to open in Notepad, Wordpad and Word. It's like a 3.8GB text file, which is really weird. Any ideas and anything I can do to help?
I imagine it's repeating something indefinitely at the end, can you quote it? Edit: oh right, you can't open it normally. Try this: (chatgpt to the rescue!) Open powershell, navigate to toee folder, and type: Code: Get-Content debug.txt | Select-Object -Last 1000 > debug_last1k.txt This will create a file with the last 1000 lines.
Nothing immediate comes to mind. Were you able to repeat this? Once you rebooted, and restarted the game? Sometimes a freak event will occur and crash out of nowhere, never to happen again. If you're not doing so already, make sure you save between any map change, so you can jump back to the spot where it crashed and see if it repeats. Did you really mean 3.8GB on that file size (not KB or MB)? That is a MASSIVE file. I must confess, I've never used the tigdebug option (shame on me I guess). But that file size seems absurd. I'm wondering if writing a file that size is what actually caused the crash.