This is a tool one of the Neverwinter Nights community developers has been working on for a bit: What it does is allows you to load Neverwinter Nights areas (using one of the default tilesets) & create an isometric map from it. A couple of examples:
You are everywhere. You're limited to the size & shapes that a Neverwinter Nights map can be created.
It makes isometric maps out of NWN areas. So in as much as you can use images are area backgrounds, I think so. Here are a few areas that you can try it out with.
The people at Gibberlings3 would likely love to learn about this tool from you! Also, the columns and headers are misaligned for NWSprite. Thankee!
The village of Homlett, from the Neverwinter Nights version of ToEE. I've already shared this with their Discord. They didn't seem the least bit interested. Blows my mind.
I expected all the column names and text to be mid aligned. I understand what they intended to do. I'm glad you shared NWSprite on the G3 forum. Perhaps renaming your thread title to, "NWSprite: Automatically Generate Isometric Background Images Using NWN Maps!" would get better feedback. Maybe it's because NWN's graphics looked low-poly/low-resolution people were turned off, but I'm quite glad we have more options than reusing existing maps, using AI images, or hiring an artist. Then again, I have plans to make some maps that would benefit from NWSprite. Thankee!