I just discovered this: https://www.moddb.com/games/the-temple-of-elemental-evil/addons/skimpytemple2 and was curious if it was compatible with CO8?
According to the description it says CO8 8.1.0 New Content is needed, so I will guess it is. Sounds like it just alters some basic stuff, not anything core or critical to the game. Maybe you or another will give it a try and let us know how it is.
The readme says to drop the mod into the overrides folder, but there isn't one. So I'm wondering if I just create one.
Ok, I'll give that a try. Thanks for the advice. I'll post how and if it works once I have a chance to try it out.
I installed and ran skimpytemple2 last night, just took the overrides folder from it and dropped it into the main folder for ToEE. The tiny pictures of the characters makes it a bit difficult to tell if it's actually working, but it didn't seem to cause more problems than usual. Run the game again today; still no issues with how the game runs so it seems OK. I wish there was a way to bump the resolution without breaking the game screen.