Resetting Reactive Temple, or teleporting a mob through console commands?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Bri11i4nc3, Apr 15, 2023.

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  1. Bri11i4nc3

    Bri11i4nc3 Member

    Feb 23, 2023
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    I've recruited Oohlgrist into my party and he's amazing. I've also provoked the fire temple into regrouping; in my case, the hydra and his troll keeper are part of the regroup, as are those werewolves. If I engage in battle with the regrouped fire forces, I have to fight the troll & hydra. After that, if I ever dismiss Oohlgrist from the party (for example, to talk to a merchant), he immediately turns hostile. I'm OK with letting the trolls live, but I really want to kill the others, and I don't want to lose Oohlgrist.

    I can think of a few options to resolve this; I just don't know how to do any of them. Can someone help?
    1. Move everybody back to their original locations by resetting the reactive temple for Fire. I've tried to do this by going into the .py script that contains the reactive temple conditions, finding def fire_alerted(), and setting all the "return 1"s to "return 0"s, but this doesn't move anybody back to their original locations. Is there any way to move people back?
    2. Teleport the other baddies away from the regroup location to where the party is at so I can attack them there. The only ones left are the werewolves. Are there console commands that could teleport the werewolves to me? Keep in mind I don't want to just spawn two new werewolves--then there would still be werewolves back in the fire temple that have not been vanquished.
    3. Change Oohlgrist's scripting somehow so that he doesn't mind us killing other trolls. Oohlgrist doesn't react when you kill trolls in a random encounter while trying to rest. I assume this has something to do with factions, and that the "permanent" troll residents are in the same faction as Oohlgrist. Can Oohlgrist be removed from their faction through console commands or a change in his scripting?
    I'm also open to other clever suggestions to resolve this. Appreciate any help or suggestions.
  2. OccasionallyGood

    OccasionallyGood Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    1) You can kill everyone but trolls if you deal non-lethal damage to trolls. But I'm not sure if that works to keep Oohlgrist non-hostile because you've been in a fight with those trolls.

    2) Once Oohlgrist becomes hostile, try using "Dominate Monster" scroll (get from Burne's inventory or get by using cheat code) on Oohlgrist and then use Jaroo to make the spell effect permanent.
  3. OccasionallyGood

    OccasionallyGood Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    Another thing to try is to use "Charm Monster" on Oohlgrist before you dismiss him.
  4. Bri11i4nc3

    Bri11i4nc3 Member

    Feb 23, 2023
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    I think you're right that he'll still flip hostile. It's a long shot but I can give it a try.

    That's a good idea, but now I feel like Oohlgrist is being forced into the party... That's a silly, RP-based reason to not do this, isn't it? I like that he's with us by choice. (Or at least because "Great King want loot.") If he's dominated, can I still dismiss him to talk to merchants? Or perhaps I don't need to?
  5. OccasionallyGood

    OccasionallyGood Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    Dialog options may behave weirdly for dominated NPCs. I think testing is the only way to find out.
  6. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Iirc, when you dominate a mob and use the kill/jaroo method for permanency - the only way to dismiss is to kill and kick out.

    However, as you said it is worth testing in case the original dialog file remains useful.

    If you engage Oohgrist normally (and don't kill his trolls), then you can just drop him off at level where he spawns and he will not disappear.

    There are also a few options for merchants: use Lareth, drop off and pick up after, or just turn it off in config options.

    Also, I don't think the faction trolls matter for his hostile, only his neutral trolls.
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