How do you get an unconscious familiar back into your backpack? You can't talk with it because it's, well, unconscious... do I just have to leave it behind?
Assuming it's not dead, heal it. Then talk to it as normal to return it to the pack. If it is dead, you can dismiss your familiar, and call a new one after a year and a day has past in game time... I don't actually know what the length of a year is in Oerth though. 400 days should do the trick, if not just rest more.
Speaking of familiars when my Sorcerer summons and names one for t he first time it shows a pentagram with candles and red light then nothing happens; no familiar.
Yeah, that just creates the familiars icon in your Sorcerer's inventory, if you look in your inventory screen on that character and either right click/ use item or drag and drop the icon onto the Use Item button in your inventory screen if will appear in physical form that can be used in combat. When you want to dismiss the Familiar, or after your Sorcerer levels up, talk to your Familiar to put it back in your inventory, it can then be resummoned with it's new increased level stats and abilities (where possible).
I can only see call familiar and then dismiss and talk when I hover over the option. I have Snizz the rat in my inventory but I don't see him out side of my companion character.
The Summon Familiar option in your Wizard's radial menu will create an item in your inventory. To take your Familiar out of your backpack, either right click this item and select "use", or drag and drop the item onto the "Use Item" button. This will create your chosen Familiar with stats based on your current level. To return the Familiar to tour pack, talk to it. When you level up, put your Familiar away, then Use the item again, this will adjust it's abilities to it's new level. If your Familiar dies in combat, the Familiar item will be destroyed, and you'll need to pass time for a year and a day to be able to Summon a new Familiar.
Select the spellcaster who created the Familiar item, open their radial menu, select talk, and target the Familiar to open a dialogue box, tell it to jump back into your backpack.
The familiar item, you mean the portrait of the familiar. Wouldn't that be the caster him/herself? Like I said is not working. The character is a not in my main party it is a companion does that count as anything...?
So an NPC's familiar is not able to be recalled to the backpack? I mean that kinda makes sense since NPC's can't initiate dialogue for you.