Volunteers needed - beta testing next Temple+ release

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sitra Achara, Oct 1, 2020.

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  1. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I've expanded the playtesting to include randomly wandering around a map. Right now it's doing the Moathouse in addition to the brigand tower loop.

    Haven't had any crashes this week, so I think we can go ahead and release soon. Baby #3 should be out soon as well so I better hurry ;)
  2. hentaikamen

    hentaikamen Member

    Aug 2, 2022
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    Sorry, I don't know what mods change what because I only played the vanilla ToEE. Tried installing Co8 about 10 years ago (maybe early 2010s) but I stopped playing after like an hour or so because of some problem with the screen. I think it was the small font and/or the brightness/contrast level, it hurt my eyes. The one I'm playing now is fine (Co8 + Temple+) and I was surprised with some of the changes, like the Reactive Temple one.

    So the only way for Alrrem to active his Reactive Temple is to kill the other priests without talking to him first?
  3. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Should be, yes.
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
  4. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I may have spoken too soon - the issue with aberrant coordinates has occured again and resulted in a crash as well. This time not in the brigand tower fight either, so it looks like a broader issue! (On that note, I've added randomly wandering the Temple itself now)

    I'll have to do some more debugging on that. Fortunately the auto tester has me covered for reproducing the issue :D
    Buffed Rabbit and hammyh like this.
  5. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I am extremely impressed with @Doug's implementation of the -2 to hit bonus when using a tower shield; it is obviously a really professional job and not just an association to specific proto numbers as appears to be the case with the +2 dex bonus limit. I created a separate proto for a +1 tower shield and whilst I had to limit max dexterity bonus manually, the -2 to hit bonus was applied as if by magic!
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
  6. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    I am trying to test play some of the most recent changed T+ files but I can't understand how I can merge those from https://ci.appveyor.com/project/templeplus/templeplus/history . When I individually download one and test it I get a variety of results, like some (or most of the) new stuff missing. What I am doing wrong, is those files supposed to play like this?

    Pretty confident I am not doing this appropriately.
  7. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    That page will have all the latest builds from every git branch, some of which may not be of interest to you (e.g. stuff related to the autoplayer I'm working on).
    You probably want to download from the "develop" branch.
    As for "merging": that's only possible when dealing with python-only changes, which is not always the case.
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
  8. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    That clarifies a lot, thank you.
  9. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I think the root cause of this is that sometimes when spawning critters without a radius specified in the proto, the game calculates a junk radius. Currently it's truncated to 2000 if it's too large, and I think this causes some weird stuff to happen when the game does raycasting. So I may have to delve deeper into why the radius calc is corrupted...
    If it turns out to be too much of a hassle I'll probably just set a lower cap for radius (50ft radius should be fine as far as I can tell..)

    I did find another crash issue related to the upcoming Jammed Spell cleanup feature, when the caster is an NPC (and this the caster handle is invalid, typically). Should be fixed.

    Ok so apparently sometimes it just loads junk data in the vertex positions. Looks like uninitialized values basically. Most of the time you end up with radius 0, which is annoying but mostly harmless. Very rarely you will get actual values such as 3.99e+11, which as I mentioned get truncated to 2,000 (vanilla already had truncation to 25,000, I guess it was an issue they had encountered as well). So that's one step closer to the root cause of this bug.

    Now I need to find out why it sometimes gets uninitialized values.
    Fixing this will also solve another couple of irritating issues:
    - Sometimes spawned creatures get their height set to a very large value, which causes their bounding cylinder to stretch up to the top of the screen, and thus their tooltip appears there as well.
    - Sometimes objects spawn with a very small radius, which causes them to be un-interactable. Had that reported at least once.

    As far as I can tell this is the last major item to fix before I can sign off on the next release, so things are looking good. However, baby due date is getting dangerously close...
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
  10. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Haven't had a lot of time this week, but I did do some debugging on the radius issue.
    Apparently it's because it needs to have a non-default state location/rotation/scale or animation time for it to actually update the mesh positions. So the issue occurs when a creature is first spawned and these things aren't set yet.

    Usually what happens is that you get an invalid radius and then subsequently as the animation plays out the game forces a radius update, which does it properly.
    Occasionally however you get a "valid" looking random result, which is still garbage of course, but then it already sets the OF_RADIUS_SET flag and that's it, the random radius sticks.
    So it looks like it's just a matter of forcing a mesh update calculation on init, and that should be it.

    Edit: made a fix, let's see how testing goes - cross your fingers!
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2022
    Marcelo Abner likes this.
  11. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Alright, a day went by without any radius related errors or crashes - so it looks like we have a release candidate!


    I am however a bit leery of making an official release right now - we're at week 38+5 :confused: so my ability to react to any unexpected bugs may soon be limited...

    Still, this latest version is basically it, so if you can't wait to get your hands on it, might as well grab it.
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
  12. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Hello Sitra Achara. I can't find the new supplementary classes in the latest BETA patches (I think they were the warlock and marshal classes). Is this intentional? The rest look good.
  13. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Hi Rabbit,

    Sagenlicht has produced a massive body of work, which we agreed to stagger over several releases to make issue management easier.

    This release, which was supposed to come a year ago, contains the first wave of SL's additions. As noted above it got sidelined due to stability concerns, which for me take priority over new content.

    Having cleared that up with this epic test automation quest, we can hopefully resume rolling out the rest in the next few months.

    In particular for Marshall and Warlock, I seem to recall there were a few loose ends that required better UI support, which I should be available to assist with now.

    Nevertheless I think you should be able to install SL's beta on top of this release, since it's all python.
    August and Buffed Rabbit like this.
  14. hentaikamen

    hentaikamen Member

    Aug 2, 2022
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    I noticed some new classes and spells when I level up my party members. Is Ultimate Magus the coming soon Archmage in the older version?

    The arcane spell scrolls are not complete, I was compiling missing scrolls before the new update. Will these missing scrolls be added in future updates? I can't scribe scrolls some of my known spells because the scrolls are not in the description.mes file.

    List of spells (up to level 5)
    Serene Visage

    {9045}{Scroll of Burning Hands}
    {9050}{Scroll of Cause Fear}
    {9056}{Scroll of Charm Person}
    {9059}{Scroll of Chill Touch}
    {9066}{Scroll of Color Spray}
    {9117}{Scroll of Detect Secret Doors}
    {9120}{Scroll of Detect Undead}
    {9149}{Scroll of Endure Elements}
    {9152}{Scroll of Enlarge Person}
    {9159}{Scroll of Expeditious Retreat}
    {9229}{Scroll of Grease}
    {9238}{Scroll of Identify}
    {9280}{Scroll of Mage Armor}
    {9288}{Scroll of Magic Missile}
    {9292}{Scroll of Magic Weapon}
    {9333}{Scroll of Obscuring Mist}
    {9368}{Scroll of Protection From Chaos}
    {9370}{Scroll of Protection From Evil}
    {9371}{Scroll of Protection From Good}
    {9372}{Scroll of Protection From Law}
    {9389}{Scroll of Ray of Clumsiness}
    {9383}{Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement}
    {9386}{Scroll of Reduce Person
    Serene Visage
    {9426}{Scroll of Shield}
    {9431}{Scroll of Shocking Grasp}
    {9438}{Scroll of Sleep}
    {9467}{Scroll of Summon Monster I}
    {9508}{Scroll of True Seeing}

    Curse of Impeding Blades
    Frost Breath
    Ironthunder Horn

    {9148}{Scroll of Bear's Endurance}
    {9040}{Scroll of Blindness/Deafness}
    {9042}{Scroll of Blur}
    {9044}{Scroll of Bull's Strength}
    {9049}{Scroll of Cat's Grace}
    Curse of Impeding Blades
    {9552}{Scroll of Daze Monster}
    {9554}{Scroll of Eagle's Splendor}
    {9555}{Scroll of False Life}
    {9183}{Scroll of Fog Cloud}
    {9556}{Scroll of Fox's Cunning}
    Frost Breath
    {9194}{Scroll of Ghoul Touch}
    {9196}{Scroll of Glitterdust}
    {9214}{Scroll of Gust of Wind}
    {9253}{Scroll of Invisibility}
    Ironthunder Horn
    {9262}{Scroll of Knock}
    {9304}{Scroll of Melf's Acid Arrow}
    {9315}{Scroll of Mirror Image}
    {9662}{Scroll of Owl's Wisdom}
    {9367}{Scroll of Protection From Arrows}
    {9400}{Scroll of Resist Energy}
    {9408}{Scroll of Scare}
    {9667}{Scroll of Scorching Ray}
    {9414}{Scroll of See Invisibility}
    {9425}{Scroll of Shatter}
    {9468}{Scroll of Summon Monster II}
    {9490}{Scroll of Tasha's Hideous Laughter}
    {9531}{Scroll of Web}

    Curse of Impeding Blades, Mass
    Demon Dirge
    Devil Blight
    Ray of Exhaustion
    Sound Lance

    {9041}{Scroll of Blink}
    {9062}{Scroll of Clairaudience/Clairvoyance}
    Curse of Impeding Blades, Mass
    {9553}{Scroll of Deep Slumber}
    Demon Dirge
    Devil Blight
    {9133}{Scroll of Dispel Magic}
    {9134}{Scroll of Displacement}
    {9189}{Scroll of Gaseous Form}
    {9192}{Scroll of Gentle Repose}
    {9205}{Scroll of Magic Weapon, Greater}
    {9217}{Scroll of Halt Undead}
    {9219}{Scroll of Haste}
    {9559}{Scroll of Heroism}
    {9228}{Scroll of Hold Person}
    {9255}{Scroll of Invisibility Sphere}
    {9261}{Scroll of Keen Edge}
    {9275}{Scroll of Lightning Bolt}
    {9282}{Scroll of Magic Circle Against Chaos}
    {9283}{Scroll of Magic Circle Against Evil}
    {9284}{Scroll of Magic Circle Against Good}
    {9285}{Scroll of Magic Circle Against Law}
    {9369}{Scroll of Protection From Energy}
    {9547}{Scroll of Rage}
    Ray of Exhaustion
    {9439}{Scroll of Sleet Storm}
    {9440}{Scroll of Slow}
    Sound Lance
    {9460}{Scroll of Stinking Cloud}
    {9469}{Scroll of Summon Monster III}
    {9515}{Scroll of Vampiric Touch}
    {9536}{Scroll of Wind Wall}

    Greater Mirror Image
    Resist Energy, Mass
    Resistance, Greater
    Wall of Fire

    {9011}{Scroll of Animate Dead}
    {9028}{Scroll of Bestow Curse}
    {9055}{Scroll of Charm Monster}
    {9073}{Scroll of Confusion}
    {9076}{Scroll of Contagion}
    {9551}{Scroll of Crushing Despair}
    {9123}{Scroll of Dimension Door}
    {9122}{Scroll of Dimensional Anchor}
    {9165}{Scroll of Fear}
    {9173}{Scroll of Fire Shield}
    {9244}{Scroll of Invisibility, Greater}
    Greater Mirror Image
    {9237}{Scroll of Ice Storm}
    {9311}{Scroll of Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser}
    {9337}{Scroll of Otiluke's Resilient Sphere}
    {9345}{Scroll of Phantasmal Killer}
    {9391}{Scroll of Remove Curse}
    Resist Energy, Mass
    Resistance, Greater
    {9432}{Scroll of Shout}
    {9443}{Scroll of Solid Fog}
    {9462}{Scroll of Stoneskin}
    {9470}{Scroll of Summon Monster IV}
    Wall of Fire

    Waves of Fatigue

    {9008}{Scroll of Animal Growth}
    {9542}{Scroll of Blight}
    {9043}{Scroll of Break Enchantment}
    {9065}{Scroll of Cloudkill}
    {9072}{Scroll of Cone of Cold}
    {9128}{Scroll of Dismissal}
    {9141}{Scroll of Dominate Person}
    {9265}{Scroll of Extraplanar Chest}
    {9167}{Scroll of Feeblemind}
    {9227}{Scroll of Hold Monster}
    {9309}{Scroll of Mind Fog}
    {9320}{Scroll of Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound}
    {9471}{Scroll of Summon Monster V}
    {9492}{Scroll of Teleport}
    Waves of Fatigue
  15. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Many things are missing, but nothing game-breaking. At this point is better to make a release and leave the rest for a future update.
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