Co8 8.1.0 bugs

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by sirchet, Aug 15, 2014.

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  1. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Just had something strange happen. I was going through the temple and on level 1 I fought the Harpies. Some of my people were fascinated. My thief was hit by a ghoul and paralyzed. Then I was trying to move my people (a group of 8) and no one could move. Early in the fight, I could move my people. To get the last Harpy, I needed to use area of effect spells since it was behind one of the pillars. Any idea what happened?
  2. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I started going through again because when I went through the last time, I killed Hedrack and went to tell Murraya but Paida was there. Then I went to the wainwright and Paida was there also along with 2 wainwrights. I haven't gotten that far yet but I think I found something strange...

    I have 2 wizards at level 4 and I just made them a Headband of Intellect +6. They gained their usual additional spells but there is now a slot in level 3 which can't be filled. Is this a bug or just something that happens?
  3. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    In my latest run through, I am having the tailor, leather worker, and the guard tower not refresh their items being sold. I looked back in the links and found the refresh for the tailor. I rested 2 weeks and it started refreshing (at least once). I have looked at the console commands (which I really don't use unless this happens) and it doesn't say how to refresh the others.

    I have also found that if you don't use the console to refresh, you will eventually get to an amount in the tailor's inventory that it will no long take anymore items.

    Can I get the refresh numbers for the other people in Hommlet, Nulb and Verbobonc (the last ones are just in case but the time before this one, Skole wasn't refreshing)?
  4. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Sound like the game.timevent_add function is flaking out for you.

    Here is the list of global flags for each merchant that can be used to force a respawn of their inventory, which is used in the console command you are referring to, game.global_flags[903] = 0.

    893 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - 7 Elven
    894 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Mal
    895 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Veenah Glavrol
    896 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Provisioner
    897 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Alchemist
    898 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Heather
    899 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Dame Nelly
    900 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Carl
    901 Hommlet Inventory refresh - Burne's assistant
    902 Hommlet Inventory refresh - Calmert
    903 Hommlet Inventory refresh - Jinnerth
    904 Hommlet Inventory refresh - Jakk Borton
    905 Hommlet Inventory refresh - Nira Melubb
    906 Hommlet Inventory refresh - Bing (masterwork)
    907 Hommlet Inventory refresh - Rannos & Gremag
    908 Hommlet Inventory refresh - Glora Gundigoot
    909 Hommlet Inventory refresh - Armario
    910 Hommlet Inventory refresh - Armario (masterwork)
    911 Nulb Inventory refresh - Screng's assistant
    912 Nulb Inventory refresh - Lodriss
    913 Nulb Inventory refresh - Skole
    914 Nulb Inventory refresh - Ah Fong
    915 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Gregor
    916 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Victor
    917 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Maurice
    918 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Senshock
    919 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Ariel
    920 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Bella
    921 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Jenna
    922 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Cleric Rastes
    923 Nulb Inventory refresh - Otis' assistant
    924 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Fireforge
    925 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Simon
    926 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Jesus Staccatori
    927 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Aerich Dragonsbane
    928 Verbobonc Inventory refresh - Cyn​

    Important notes:

    1. Make sure the merchant's refresh has indeed broken down before doing this in to console. You don't want to force a timed event for a new refresh and have the original timed event going at the same time .

    2. If a merchant is not on the list, then he doesn't have a global flag which means he still uses the original system for refreshing, such as Brother Smythe.

    3. These numbers were taken from Gaear's list of global flags and variables, which I assume are up-to-date.

  5. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I hadn't seen that link. Thank you. I filled up the tailor and since about the same time, the guard tower and leather worker haven't refreshed.
  6. Badger-ude

    Badger-ude The nonPnP gamer PoV

    Mar 11, 2006
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    p.s.: Off -topic - Just reinstalled ToEE and Co8 8.01 .... Having a blast doing it all over again! I tried to install 8.10 but sadly the game just CTDs every time I load it up, but 8.01 runs perfectly! Is an approx 60 minute 'activation' normal for 8.1? I think maybe the activation botched. Still, 8.01 is fantastic. Last time I played was 7.0 ish :)
  7. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Honestly, I am using 8.1.0 and have had no problems with it. You will have to get all the added files since several bugs were found. It shouldn't take 60 minutes to activate also.
  8. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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  9. Badger-ude

    Badger-ude The nonPnP gamer PoV

    Mar 11, 2006
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    I followed the instructions contained within that thread to the letter.

    I am running Windows 10 x64 with a very powerful system.

    I actually installed vanilla again from disc and patched as normal before making three copies of the folder for future use.

    The first I kept as a backup. I tested it and the game loaded. I did initially have some problems with sector data CTDs, but I fixed these by disabling the ingame movies (renaming the folder, the 'disable intros' did not work for some reason). That me now runs perfectly.

    The second I installed 8.00 and then patched to 8.01. T(he reason I did this was because I believed I have saved games from 8.01 on an older hard drive. However, when I had tried to boot Co8 from that older install, it reactivated the module, corrupted, and left me without any saves). This works perfectly fine, 100%, as long as I run both TFE-X and ToEE in XP SP2 compatibility as Administrator).

    Now, the third. I used this to install 8.10 upon the vanilla patched install.

    From memory, when I' deployed' TFE-X for the first time it took a seriously long time to complete. At least 45 - 60 minutes. I am running a very powerful system (i5 4690k, 16gb ram, SSD) so it should not have taken so long in my opinion, despite the warning in the above link, but the dregs of my memory reminded me I had this problem on a previous install on a different machine.

    FInally, I got the message saying the front end was working. I then went to activate the module and waited another 45 - 60 minutes for activation to occur.

    Now, whenever I boot 8.1 I get an instant CTD, not event the sector data crash I had before disabling the movies.

    If you like I can try a fresh install, but my workflow was the same for installing 8.00 - The only difference was that I obviously did not have to patch.
  10. Badger-ude

    Badger-ude The nonPnP gamer PoV

    Mar 11, 2006
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    So here is the status currently. I started the 'activation' at approx 10.,45AM. Time now is 11.54AM

    I am currently installing to the same rough location as 8.01 on a separate drive to my OS (Different folders obviously) but just in case it is a write-protection issue I will probably do a complete fresh install on a separate SSD

    Attached Files:

  11. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    You are saying "Separate drive"? I read the install instructions and it said to put it on the C drive and not in the program files folder...It said to make your own folder and title it like TOEE. If I remember the install thread correctly, it says you may have problems using different folders.
  12. Badger-ude

    Badger-ude The nonPnP gamer PoV

    Mar 11, 2006
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    Hi Messed up,

    What the instructions refer to I believe is not putting it in the C://Program FIles directory, as Windows Vista, 7, and 10 treat this as a 'protected area' and are loathe to allow most programs access to the area.

    I have no problem running Toee 8.01 from my X drive.

    In fact, I have just successfully installed 8.1 on my old windows XP netbook. The installer ran perfectly (Finished in 20 minutes) and the activation went fine (Another 20 minutes) and I boopted up to the shop map.

    I took the USB drive out and then put it into my windows 10 machine and..... no joy. CTD straight away.

    It seems Windows 10 just doesn't like ToEE. I have the exact same settings as for 8.01 (Graphics card set to AA off)...
  13. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    It works fine on my Win 10 installation.
  14. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    From what we saw in Temple+, it looks like the problem is that Windows can attempt to rebase the ToEE memory image, which is usually a natural process but causes problem due to the DLL hacks in temple.dll. It's seemingly random, and I've had it happen in Win7 too, sometimes it would just go away after reinstalling a few times. As far as we know it's solved in Temple+ (we significantly reduced the likelihood of the rebase).
  15. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Just noticed something interesting with my Rogue. It has Gloves of Dexterity +6, Brown Leather Armor +1 and Bracers of Armor +3. It gives an armor class of 21. When I remove the bracers, I get an armor class of 20. When I remove the armor +1, I get an armor class of 21. I have read the details of the armor class that is given and the only difference is that the leather armor reduces the dexterity when the bracers are equipped (it says it when they are but it seems they aren't reducing it for some reason).
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