Yeah you should be getting auto updates... I hope you weren't running the game from the setup file each time!
I use TemplePlus.exe, not TemplePlusSetup1012, to start my ToEE games. I that correct? It immediately opens the ToEE "loading" page, not the TemplePlus page (with the old-school pic).
I just started a game, opened a save file, then exited. But no auto-update happened, as far as I can tell. edit: and the box for "disable updates" is not checked. edit 2: after searching my computer, I did find files and a shortcut for 1.0.13! Will use that next time.
You shouldn't be directly running the exe from the apps folder, since it keeps around the version before last. Perhaps that's why you keep getting 1.0.12? Does the game report having downloaded the update and that you should restart the game (in the main menu, bottom right corner)? If so you shiuld have a 1.0.13 folder and the start menu shortcut should be updated as well.
Bottom right corner tells me that I have 1.0.12, but I do have a app.1-0113 folder in my appdata - local - temple+ folder. I may not be using the correct .exe to start up the game, because I have never gotten one to appear in my start menu when installing temple+, although I get a message that there should be one there. I use windows 8.1.
Well if you have the 1.0.13 it must've installed the update then. As for the start menu, I just tested this on a Win8 machine - it's definitely added, but is quite easy to miss with that retarded "smartphone" menu - are you using that? If so I recommend using some 3rd party app to restore the classic start menu.
I think I now found it in the expanded start window. It was called just temple+. and is a shortcut, and was in a sub folder of the start menu folder.
To be fair, having multiple shortcuts for temple+ has confounded more than a few users. I would consider rethinking that a bit, and just have one shortcut created that checks if Temple+ has been configured previously, if it hasn't, run config, and if it has, start the game. If you need to alter the configuration for some reason later, you have to hunt through the start menu sub folder to find the shortcut.
How is what you describe different than the current situation? If anything, it might be better to create and update a desktop shortcut for this sort of thing...
I mean, installing Temple+ you get the configuration shortcut in the start menu, which is great... but then once it's configured, run once, updated to the newest version and closed. When you go to restart it, you instinctively go to the same icon you used before, not the Temple+ shortcut you're meant to be using from that point onwards. It seems to me there must be a more intuitive way of getting it running first time, rather than having to instruct everyone with update related issues about the existence of the other Temple+ shortcut.
That's inaccurate - the process is such that you run the setup file, which then runs the config util similar to what you suggested. From then on you need to use the start menu shortcut, which is quite clearly delineated from the configuration shortcut. Previously, the problem was that the setup itself was commonly mistaken for a launcher, but that's taken care of. The main problem now is that the shortcut gets buried in the Win8 menu. I guess that's the reason most installers default to creating a desktop shortcut.
Just had my first combat, with no game crash. Hopefully that will continue. However, on another note, my level 2 Druid cast produce flame, and he was able to use it every round of combat, which lasted five or six turns. My understanding is that he should have had only two turns of use. <-- the SRD states it lasts 1 minute per level, each round is 6 seconds, that's 20 rounds for a level 2 druid. However it would seem that this bit... ...wasn't implemented correctly, as using the flames doesn't reduce the spell's duration. It should expire after 2 rounds if used offensively on 2 consecutive rounds at level 2.