Well it will make a intersting choice then to web + fireball someone. Still, it's a abstraction of some sort, I understand. :thumbsup:
What I mean is if the engine can burn a placed web spell, maybe it can be convinced to ignite a grease spell. This should be mentioned to the coding gurus.
Well, the spell description of web specifically states that the web is flammable, while it is not the case with grease.
I never noticed that, it's funny how somethings just seem right even though they aren't. Thanks for the heads up, nyarlathotep.
Welcome to D&D and its most important lesson: low levels suck. And it's not only ogres (who are formidable foes already), you'll die all the time from mosquito attacks or simply stumbling over pebbles. Thankfully they have not included such challenges in ToEE.
The Moathouse becomes a great deal easier if you're 3rd level. General thing with the Moathouse though is that spells tend to be the key to overcoming most of the trickier battles. Sleep and Glitterdust are very powerful spells here though the latter requires you to be at 3rd level. For the nasty encounter against Lareth, the Stinking Cloud scroll is a godsend. My preferred method to deal with the Bandit Leader is to have my Wizard use Charm Person on him and have him help me out in taking out the mooks (And then kill him myself at a later time). I always have my Wizard pick Improved Initiative at 1st level, so he's almost guaranteed to go before he uses rage.
Thanks for the helps so far, and err... I don't want to start a new thread Anyway, I been following the walk-though here on this forum, and I was wondering Is there more quest in Nulb, or do I have to go to the temple now. Cause I am fairly sure I am under-leveled (all members are 4, expect the smith, who join at level 10) and missed some stuff on the way. (Expect the fed-ex quest in Hommlet) The only quest I got from Nulb was the one where I had to recover this giant snakes body. Am I suppose to go to the temple now, or am I missing something Really enjoying the game so far btw...
There's a s t e e p learning curve if you're not a D&D 3.5 expert. I was pretty versed in it and had only a little extra to learn. I'd say the game is hard at the beginning because new PCs are fragile. Get Elmo as an NPC, and Spugnoir. And do the Hickory Branch quest (new content, talk to the smith fella in Hommlet South to get it) is a good opportunity to build some XP. I've never done the Hommlet "FedEx" quests because they make me want to eat my own skull - perhaps the signpost teleporters in the Co8 mod make things easier. And lastly, you MUST do the gay pirate quest in Nulb. It's the funniest, most touching quest in the game and proves that true love must prevail, even if it means fisticuffs! Romance that pirate. He's not the best addition to the party, which saddens me, but he makes up for it in excellent, sensitive characterization. I'll wager he's turned thousands of straight male party members gay since the publication of ToEE. That charmer!
1) Did you mean "Welkwood Bog" above? The Hickory Branch quest is for high level characters in Verbobonc? 2) As tedious as the fedex quest may seem to some people, they will gain each member of your party about one level. I actually got to level 4 as a solo character by just doing them alone, with my only combat being the spiders at Deklo Grove. I also married Melony and got a nifty sword in the deal.
If you venture to the Temple at 4th level, may I suggest you clear out the very southern part of level 1 before venturing anywhere else; also the southwestern and southeastern edges of that level. Enter by one of the stairways that lead down from the Temple. There are some balanced dungeon-crawl type monster encounters there to gain XPs and get to 5th level, without running into any major danger. Stay away from the central and northern parts of that level at 4th level though.
Ah, time flows on and Lubash is still crushing all those new Temple opponents with ease, how utterly pleasing for ogre deities this must be! Entangle is good for stopping enemies too.
In DDO, which is swarming with noobs, they partially address this problem by giving level 1 characters 30 extra hit points in addition to max hit points at every level. The people who run the online game recognized how critical it is to not frustrate and kill new players, especially children, if you want them to get interested in the game. The old 3.5 basic game was notorious for one-shot killing any interest new players had in D&D. While veteran players can find coddling new players contemptible, they have to recognize they are then reduced to playing with themselves.
Whenever I mastered an introductory game, I always gave them lvl 3 characters. Not only because of the limited HP of a 1st lvl charcter, but also because most spellcasting characters have a very limited usefullness at lvl 1. Once their spells are cast, they tend to just stand on the battlefield hoping they won't be decapitated by leaf stirred up in the heat of battle
I did the trick with a lvl 2 gnome illusionist specialist wizard. A simple color spray worked surprisingly well, stunning the large creature for a few rounds. Just enough for my rogue and barbarian to finish him off, though it was a close call for my barbarian - he did hit him once for 28/30 HP because I had to get my mage into the color spray range... Really, this gem of a game is one of the rare few (heck, maybe it is one and only, aside of DDO) where specialist CC mages shine! Love the modpack, devs did such a great job :thumbsup: