Anim8or is a free online 3d editor that supports formats: .obj .vtx .3ds .an8 .c convert any .SKM to .AN8 then edit it using anim8r or convert it to what format you like. converter app link for console win32 drag and dop any good SKM into skm2an8 or use open with > skm2an8 or use a batch file.
Good job on your progress! :thumbsup: Is it just me or are all the files you're posted not available for general download? Not matter what file I click, it says "The file is hosted by Tripos etc. etc. and is not available for download". How is it possible to actually download the file? - Agetian
you should be able too hover mouse over link right click->save target as do no click link, only save it i going to try this too (attachment) maybe this will work this zip has all the current tools im using for export/import they are all up to date
@ Xvicious: Thanks for the attachment, it worked! The Tripos links still don't work though (even when trying to right click and choose save target as). - Agetian
your welcome about tripod Yea, maybe the site exceeded data transfer limit, people download from the site (free hosting) its adds to the data tranfer bits so, in time it resets
latest version 1.2.1 this update fine tunes the problems with inconcistant indexed verts with textures and UV lighting coordinates related too OBJ formated models; mainley the wave2skm specifically. when creating new face indexes within the skm, re-arranging tri-face index's and sorting the data. this update was focused on fine tuning such issues, though it was not a consistant issue it does resolved a lot of issues when it come to the appearance of moddified models within toee when it comes to textures and lighting. design note: though SKM2obj is supported to import into blender, the tool set was designed for anim8or and exports from blender are not supported fully due to a parsing difference issue. if anybody is interested in resolving that issue, I will simply upload the source code c++ for the wave2skm conversion. you can fix the parse problem if you want. you will need your own List_.h linked list container class designed header supporting enQueue(*) gNext() gPrev() exetra; functions for the memory management. I am a little hesatent to release my own source design A.T.M. source pre-req: you have to understand structured programming and .P.(c/c++), Scope, and namespaces, to possibly understand the source code. You can view all the modded game models that came out of the SKM toolset I had developed for direct and hex edit preped models. @ link: