Technicolor Dreamcloaks

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Rudy, Mar 9, 2013.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I had a think about it and I think we'll just go back to appending the color on the end. I agree the alphabetized clusters would be dodgy for crafting. Figures - ToEE does most everything based on numbers ... but not crafting. :blegh:

    I do think we'll use 'Cloak of Resistance, Red' though,as opposed to the parenthesis way, in order to emulate the naming of spells that use Lesser and Greater and whatnot.

    Also, if we did away with colors altogether, there would just be eight identical instances (by name) of each cloak in the crafting menu and players would inevitably cry "There's a bunch of the same cloaks in the crafting menu!!! That's so stupid!!! How dumb!!! Co8 doesn't even test anything!!! Co8 sucks!!!"
  2. Rudy

    Rudy Established Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    Cool. Do you want, "Cloak of Resistance, Red +1" or "Cloak of Resistance +1, Red". (Figure if we establish the format now I can put it in that way for further items, saving you the trouble of changing it)

    EDIT: The first option would obviously group them by color alphabetically, and the latter would group them by bonus, alphabetically.
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Let's do them by color.
  4. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    This is very cool idea Rudy, Gaear! thanks for all your hard work! Having alternate colors in various magic cloaks is a really nice aesthetic touch!
  5. Rudy

    Rudy Established Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    So, I can't find a way to easily put the pattern from a cloak, such as a cloak of web, onto a different color. So it looks like you can't have web pattern on red without messing with the base graphics, which is something I'm not going to do.

    So far, in addition to what is above, I added:

    * orange cloaks of resistance
    * Red, plain black, and black spiral options added for Cloak of Arachnida. The black spiral is the appearance of the default cloak of elvenkind
    * White, black, blue, and red with star patters for cloaks of charisma. The red with star patterns is the default of cape of the mountebank.
    * plain black, green, and fur options for Cloaks of Elvenkind

    I'm going to add options for cape of the mountebank, and mantle of spell resistance, then I should post something tonight or tomorrow (yes, including the few items I made like Boots of Striding and Springing). I'll go on to do stuff for robes, too, but it may be a few days before I get to that.

    Gaear, slight issue has come up in that Cloaks of Resistance, Orange have text which is too long to fit in the craft wondrous items list, so that it wraps around. This doesn't seem to cause any serious issue, but it looks very bad. Are you alright with me abbreviating in this case. e.g. Cloaks of Resistence, Orng.? This issue will probably come up again when I do the Robes of the various Archmagi.

    If anyone has a color they think should be added to the options above, say so. I'm not doing every color for every cloak, both because it's too much hassle, and because I don't want to fill up the craft wondrous items menu TOO much. Cloaks of Resistance get the most options because they are likely the most commonly used.
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Just name/describe them normally. I am going to deal with overlong long descriptions in the mid-future anyway. The crafting menu is unique (and batty) in that the only descriptions that appear at all are for custom items added by us. :roll: This is both good and bad ... good because it's nice to know what an item you are going to craft will do, bad because the area allotted for descriptive text is very small, and bad because only some items will have a description no matter what we do. We can't very well eliminate the descriptions altogether because that would also eliminate them from the regular inventory interface. Troika Troika Troika ... :no:

    p.s. I could probably do some custom tgas for you if you really have your heart set on certain item/color/design configurations.
  7. Rudy

    Rudy Established Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    Roger on the descriptions.

    EDIT: I hope it was clear from what I said that it's the short description of "Cloak of Resistance, Orange +x" which is too long, not the long description (which doesn't seem to show up anywhere in the crafting menu, as far as I can tell.)

    As for custom graphics, I wouldn't say I have my heart set on it. I think it would be neat to be able to apply, for example, the star motif from the Cape of the Mountebank to a black or blue base color, and I would gladly incorporate it if you did so, but I wouldn't consider it at all essential, especially if it involves a non-trivial amount of work on your part.

    *If* you want to do so, and again I have to stress that I don't consider this at all a crucial thing, then the most neat patterns would be:

    -Star pattern from cape of mountebank on a black and/or blue background.
    -Web pattern from cloak of arachnida on a red background
    -Cloak of elvenkind shape in different colors (it has a unique cut, completely unlike the other cloaks)

    Alternately, if it's not too hard to learn how to combine things like that in the graphics, I'm willing to give it a shot if you point me in the right direction. That would wait until after I've finished making the alternate colors for the other items, though.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
  8. Rudy

    Rudy Established Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    I did a bit of experimenting just now, and figured out why this is, if you're curious. The full descriptions appear if the item does not have an unidentified item code. That is, if you add 20276, which is "Magic Robes" to the space after the item icon id in for the Robes of the Archmagi, the long description will no longer appear in the crafting menu. The way it is now, Robes of the Archmagi do not have an unidentified state.

    So, if you add an unidentified item code to the custom items, their descriptions will no longer show up in the crafting menu.

    Presumably what is going on is that the crafting menu accesses the long description of the item to display it, but by default it is accessing the description of the unidentified version of the item, which has an empty long description. For those items that do not have an unidentified version, which is mostly custom items, it displays the regular long description.
  9. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Good work. :thumbsup:

    Sadly I think the best thing to do will be to make sure everything has an unidentified description ID, which will make no descriptions appear for crafting but will also prevent the extremely unsightly overflow. From memory, that box is so small that almost nothing can fit in there. I'll have a closer look at it though.
  10. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    That's a shame, the long description can be helpful when deciding if the item is indeed worth the XP and gold to make.

    And I really appreciate the work on the capes and all guys.
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Sadly this is only going to get worse when Priory comes to this interface. We may have to look into doing some serious reconstruction there, assuming it's possible.

    My bad, I follow you now.

    Here's another wacky observation: ToEE takes spell names for the scribe scroll interface from mes/item_creation_names.mes, but wondrous items straight from, apparently (or description.mes, rather). If Troika hadn't mixed that up (for fun, presumably? Giggles? Random coding? Troika psychosis?), we could abbreviate names to our hearts' content without affecting their display outside the crafting interface.
  12. Rudy

    Rudy Established Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    That's what save-reload is for! =D

    Attached is the next update, with details below. Be sure to read it before you overwrite your files.

    Gaear, it is obviously your prerogative to pick and choose what you want to include in the mod; it's all good.

    I'm going to be familiarizing myself with worldbuilder before I do anything else. After that, I'll basically be doing things that I think are cool, and Gaear can include any of it, or none of it, in the mod.

    If there is some item in particular that people want other graphics for, or some other reasonable request, don't hesitate to make it. Though, that's not a guarantee that I'll comply =D.

    * Red, Black, White, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange and Fur color options added for Cloaks of Resistence. Item codes 6656-6695
    * Red, plain black, and black spiral options added for Cloak of Arachnida. Item codes 6696-6698
    * White, black, red with star pattern, and blue options added for Cloaks of Charisma. Item codes 6699-6710.
    * plain black, green and fur options added for Cloaks of Elvenkind. Item codes 6711-6713.
    * white, star pattern, blue and violet options added for Mantle of Spell Resistance. Item codes 6714-6717 Note that the default Mantle of Spell Resistance had the icon of a white cloak but actually showed up as black on the character model; the icon was changed to black to match the character model.
    * green, blue and black options added for Cape of the Mountebank. Item codes 6718-6720. Though, honestly, the default character model for this one is pretty baller.


    * Boots of Striding and Springing. Code 6801. Craftable by a third level caster with Longstrider as a spell. Grants the spell longstrider on use for 25 hours; useable "once per day". Note that in ToEE items that are useable once per day are actually useable once per rest. This is, as far as I can tell, a core bug, and therefore not one that I can affect. Additionally grants +5 to Tumble, in stead of the +5 to Jump that the boots grant in PnP.

    * Elven Chain. Code 6901. This uses the normal chainmail character model, which I personally think looks far classier than the flamboyant Elven Chain in the game. Uses 3.5 PnP stats for elven chain: AC +5, Max Dex +4, ArmorCheck -2, Weight 20, Spell Failure 20%, treated as light armor (no speed reduction).
    The next three items use pathfinder stats, not 3.5. I did this because I wanted better armor to upgrade to when arriving in Verbobonc, rather than using Mithral Chain Shirts for most of my characters the entire game. Also, it let me use some cool character models which are otherwise rarely seen.
    * Celestial Armor. Code 6902. This uses the golden chainmail character model. AC +6, Max Dex +8, Armor Check -2, Weight 20, Spell Failure 15%, treated as light armor.
    * Darkleaf Cloth Armor. Code 6903. This uses the bark armor character model. AC +4, Max Dex +6, Armor Check 0, Weight 15, Spell Failure 15%. Light armor, useable by druids. Largely equivalent to mithral shirt, but can't have armor oil used on it. Only a druid benefit by picking this up, therefore.
    * Celestial Plate Armor. Code 6904. Uses the surprisingly cool Masterwork Full Plate character model (usually ignored in favor of mithral plate). AC +9, Max Dex +6, Armor Check -3, Weight 25, Spell Failure 20%, treated as Medium armor (so, has a speed reduction).

    All four of the above are masterwork, and therefore enchantable. They are purchaseable only from Gregor in Verbobonc, with the exception of the plain elven chain, which is purchaseable from Ah Fong as well (50% chance of appearance for each item on each inventory refresh). If you do not want these armors to show up in your game, then do not overwrite your copy of InvenSource.mes, and they will not appear.

    FIXES (clear bugs; Gaear has fixed these for the next release/update already):

    * fixed inability to craft Longstrider wand, 12571, by adding its number in item_creation.mes
    * added requirements to craft Wand of Good Hope (previously anyone with the Craft Wand feat could do it)

    TWEAKS (minor technical changes):

    * description.mes has two entries for Wand of Good Hope. The first one, 12568, is an invalid item code, so I changed the description to note that.
    * description.mes has two entries for Cape of the Mountebank. The second one, 12603, is an invalid item code, so I changed the description to note that.
    * removed graphic for Helm of Reading Magic, because it looks stupid. Later will likely make different graphical options

    ITEM PROPERTY CHANGES (these are things not everyone may want):

    * Changed Armor check penalty of Hero's Shield to -7, which is what it would be if the shield were made of mithril, instead of -10. This is so that it's actually better than a standard MW Tower Shield, which has armor check of -8.

    TO DO (things I intend to do at some point)
    * Add new colors/visual options for other wondrous items. Primarily robes, but probably some helmets, too.
    * Increase cost of things with freedom of movement, which are far, far cheaper than they should be.
    * Increase the caster level of stat boost items. Probably to level 4, 8 and 12 caster level for +2, +4 and +6 items respectively. I despise the ability to camp on level 4 until you've outfitted your entire party with +6 stat items. And yet, it is often too tempting to resist... According to PnP, it should be level 10 for all such items, but that would be too harsh, I think.
    * Try to learn how to make new graphics. No guarantees here =D. I'm more of a debugger than a graphic artist =D
    * Make additional wondrous items.
    * Make combination wondrous items, ala Pathfinder. e.g. Headband of Mental Perfection, which increases charisma, wisdom and intelligence at the price of being absurdly expensive. 144,000 gp for a +6 to all three, for example.

    Attached Files:

  13. Rudy

    Rudy Established Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    Oh, Gaear, you'll want to take a look to see what I mean about the short descriptions being too long. Specifically, look at how the Mantle of Spell Resistance shows up on the Craft Wondrous Items menu. Once you decide how you want to deal with that, let me know.

    EDIT: Worldbuilder makes this much easier @.@. Should have learned that first.

    EDIT2: I missed your post above when I was posting mine. I'll leave it as is for now, but if you decide you want it done a certain way, just let me know, and I'll make the changes.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  14. Rudy

    Rudy Established Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    Great news! :)

    Testing reveals that the Craft Wondrous Item menu DOES try item_creation_names.mes first; it simply defaults to description.mes when there is no entry in item_creation_names.mes.

    So, now it's a simple matter of adding entries to item_creation_names.mes when the description.mes is too long. I'll go ahead and do that for the offending cloaks in my entry.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  15. Rudy

    Rudy Established Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    Attached is 0.2.1, which adds entries to item_creation_names.mes for items whose short descriptions were too long. Other than that, the only change is that I deleted a commented out line I had added to which was preventing WorldBuilder from reading the file (but had no effect on the game itself)

    Attached Files:

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