I have an HP touchsmart tm2 Notebook PC, running Windows 7 Professional SP1, 64 bit OS. Intel Core i3 cpu U380 1.33Ghz processor, with 4GB ram. Using Panda Global Protection 2013 for the anti-virus program. I plan on downloading TOEE from GOG.com and running the most current Co8 modpacks to enjoy this D&D turn based rpg. What are some musts and must nots when trying to do this successfully? What process will get me best results?
I'm not a tech guy by any means- but if you can run the tutorial once you download the game it should run everything else. Just make sure your drivers are up to date and carefully READ THE DOWNLOAD STICKY. It will keep you from embarrassing yourself from asking questions that the sticky already provides answers to (such as right clicking the front end once its up and running and choose 'run as administrator' ). Good luck and enjoy the game...:thumbsup:
http://www.co8.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7737 that is the proper place to get basic questions answered...
Welcome to Co8 NETHALAR, I recommend clicking on the "THE CIRCLE OF EIGHT MODPACK EXPLAINED" banner and reading up on the usual issues some folks have running the game. TOEE is a rather robust game engine and can almost always run smoothly on any laptop and or notebook.