Circle of Eight Modpack v7 / v7 NC General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by UncleBuck, Dec 2, 2011.

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  1. odrew

    odrew Member

    Dec 29, 2011
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    Potential bug report:

    Arena: Picked the lock, read the book, traveled to arena.
    Defeated the first fight, returned to Hommlet and rested in the Inn.

    Read the book again and returned to the arena to defeat the second battle.
    Returned to Hommlet and rested at the inn.

    When I exit the inn my whole party is frozen and cannot move.
    When I use the world map to travel to other locations I am still frozen.

    However, if I read the book again (while frozen) my party travels to the arena and can move and engage in the third fight.

    This has happened several times (that last fight is tough).
    I have tried to bypass the freezing, none of my characters can move.
    Don't know what to do or try at this time other than not returning to the area the second time.

    Appreciate your advice, thanks.
  2. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Have you tried using a potion, (any potion) while frozen?
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    That actually sounds like jerkstop, only with perma-lock. If you have an earlier save, I would try that.

    If I'm reading you correctly that actually sounds like it's working as intended - assuming you were able to rest after completing the quest. The ghosts will never let you rest there until they're satisfied. I'll look at again though.

    I'm sure you're right, he is scripted to be inactive while off shift. Will fix, thanks.
  4. zebrainz

    zebrainz Yumm

    May 18, 2010
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    Fear of Ghosts not WAI. Completed Fear of Ghosts, Snitching on SB, Rabbit Hole, Hextor Rat, Monster Mash, even the Emridy Meadows child molestation enablers (all green in logbook). Seemed to work exactly as intended except for the being able to rest in the CoL after completing the FoG. Green completed quest in logbook, stalker ghosts have their moment and disappeared. No green tent after.

    Re-Charmed sewer worker (and had the same convo) when he reappeared during the day, same issues, I eventually got the spell to expire outside the sewer and he just disappeared when the spell expired. On re-entering the sewer, I found his not-described-as-a-greatax greatax/candle lighter particle animation at what appears to be his spawning point (southern sewer cul-de-sac with hole and no ladder). Just info, still couldn't advance the quest. Could very easily be my gameplay. Will retry later/next game. <--After I can get some sleep.

    Killed Temple L4 mage, no new necklace for me at B of B (he correctly doesn't appear there)? I assume that's right. Fine by me as long as the source spell for the necklace works. If not, I'm in trouble there.
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Sadly the very reason for necklace is that the spell does not work. :blegh:

    Where do you usually go to look for exotic stuff?

    That's normal for that particle effect for some reason.

    Can't rest, eh? I'll check into it.
  6. zebrainz

    zebrainz Yumm

    May 18, 2010
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    No periapt at Bazaar of the Bizzare or at Ah Fong's. I think I read Baz of Biz as the location in the 7.4 change description thread or desc.mes. With Temple L4 mage dead there are particle effects similar to donning an ion stone behind the 2 girls when I enter the shop, but no mage, hence no exotic items (I think WAI).

    Additionally, on sewer quest, the Reputations tab in the logbook increments to 2 and 3 pieces of evidence as I talk to the daytime sewer worker additional times, even though the same single piece of info is revealed in every convo with this guy. Apparently, I'm an sleuth Extraordinaire (kind of like a French Legionaire who eats too much American food, I guess). What looks to be quest completion dialog comes up with the Captain, but quest doesn't complete and the dialog disappears on retry when Rep is obtained in this fashion.

    Meh. I don't play goody two shoes NG characters very well (too much 'Get offa mah lawn.' Law in me I guess). I need to go back and start another game in my alignmental wheelhouse (something like Extra Neutral Evil). Who knew the consequences would be so far reaching if I killed an evil temple mage (the temple is evil, not sure about the mage). That encounter is usually a if he dies, he dies encounter for me. I usually don't artificially keep him alive until he bolts. I could look up and console in the necessary item, but that's a cheating, warranty voiding operation IIRC. The only reason I would do that would be if the item wasn't there, but was supposed to be there for my given game conditions. I've completed WotGS/Quarry in my primary save, so I think I'll just finish this one and start another game to let the ToEE game engine tell me "and now for something completly different" this time around in a Monte Pythonesque fashion (it usuallly does) (one of the main reasons I continue to play this game 8-10 years later).

    I do have a tendency to pick at old mid game saves like a scab that itches from time to time. Bad habit, time for me to move on to my next game. Purpose of this post was just to provide more info for problem solving, if needed. Thanks for the responses.
  7. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    You can craft a periapt at 11th level Cleric with Craft Wonderous Item if all else fails.
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    While nothing will ever be available at the Bazaar of the Bizarre if Senshock was killed in the Temple, bear in mind that most vendors have percentage chances of having stock. This means they may have it one time and not the next, and vice versa.
  9. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I believe you have to be able to cast Heal in order to make it.

    I know this is off topic, but .... How many of you guys have checked out the new sewers?

    I for one can't believe how perfect it came out, what a seamless blending of assets to create something all together different.

    I mean, first I see parts I recognize from the temple, but my guys are sloshing around in water and how about the sound effects when you walk up on a cistern?

    I just had to say something ... Outstanding work Gaear! :thumbsup:
  10. zebrainz

    zebrainz Yumm

    May 18, 2010
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    @ Daryk - the only item even close in Craft Wonderous Item that I could find is a Necklace of Detection (from the True Seeing spell). The only other item in the game that (supposedly, I never tried it) casts Discern Lies that I know of is a certain Skull (as yet undestroyed in my game).

    ^the above Gaear ToEE 7.4 release post calls it a 'Circlet of Discenment' as part of it's 'General' notes. The only Circlets available (to me) in Crafting Wonderous Items are Blasting (major, minor) and Persuasion. None of the other necklaces, brooches, periapts, helmets, helms, etc., originate from a Discern Lies spell as far as I can tell. Best guess? Not a part of the Crafting menu.

    Thanks for the info about the shop inventories Gaear.

    I can't remember if Skull's version of the spell works, I know people used to talk (well, type) about using it on the Darla/Demon thing in the fire node. I think I actually cast a discern lies and a true seeing spell the one time I picked her up, (without using the dominate/kill/raise cheat) but that's been a long time ago. I think I'll try the Skull and see if anything happens, now if I could just figure out/find someone to use it on...

    Note to Gaear: Orrengaards new sewer dialog disappears after one use, can't go back and recheck my facts (didn't leave a note in my inventory like some of his other info either). *Sighs* When am I going to learn to write this stuff down? Charm/day, Discern/night and Liar Liar are all I can remember.
  11. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    You aren't going to be able to create the circlet of discerning lies because it's a new item introduced by Gaear for 7.4.0NC. I assume adding it to the craft wondrous item menu would be as complicated as crafting +4 and +5 weapons or eliminating the +15 weapon cheat.
  12. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Sirchet is correct in that you have to be able to cast Heal (a 6th level spell, thus requiring an 11th level Cleric). The first thing I craft when my Cleric hits 11th is a batch of Periapts of Wound Closure. I'm getting close on my current play through, and I don't think Gaear removed it in 7.4.
  13. Nightcanon

    Nightcanon Garrulous Halfling

    May 7, 2012
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    There's a +15 weapon cheat??
  14. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    There's also a +203 weapon cheat of course.
  15. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    All my testing showed the spell to work not at all. It was supposed to have been fixed by one of Spellslinger's .dll updates long ago now, but that doesn't seem to have 'stuck,' if it ever did work. The last I read from him on it was "please test as I'm not sure this works," lol.

    I think the skull simply employs the same ability as a wand or scroll, which don't work either, so something is failing internally.

    @sirchet - thanks. :mrhappy: I was thinking of doing a 'the making of the sewers' tutorial sometime, as they employ a rather different approach to environment and immersion than ToEE typically does, and that mainly through audio. It's a shame that ToEE so routinely ignores the potential of audio, as it can be very effective at creating a mood - any mood - which is one of ToEE's shortcomings as a grind.
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