So One of my Followers Died, and so I went to jaroo and reincarnate him well, He came back but he is like just a circle? Does this happen to anyone else? :dizzy:
The empty circle thing is a known phenomenon but I'm not aware that it's ever been associated with reincarnation before. We've squished most instances where it happens that I'm aware of.
I've had the empty circle at the moathouse when I set resolution to 1080p. Interestingly, it draws fine in Hommlet. Have you tried changing your resolutions? The empty circle is a drawing issue. Try starting the game in numerous resolutions and loading the save game until the npc shows up.
It may be a drawing issue, but usually that happens to all party members when it happens. There are also times when scripts gone awry cause a single character to disappear.
It's Very odd, It happens when I reincarnate a follower? But not a raise him, it's not when I go into a place and such.