Co8 6.1 NC Stability

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Koski, Jul 18, 2011.

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  1. Koski

    Koski Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    I'm having a bad case of stability issues with 6.1 NC. The game seems to be crashing randomly at load times and sometimes on startup, character creation etc. I've yet to find a common cause for it. I've also been unable to exit the beginning store area (with all them chests) and its kinda affecting my gameplay more than intended. 5.5 worked just fine with no major issues other than the usual random save corruptions etc.

    I'm running a clean install with patches 1 & 2 applied (first 1, then 2) and then I've installed the 6.1 NC. I've run ToEE Frontend X thing and enabled the Co8 modpack. Disabled intros, enabled level cap. I'm running the ToEE.exe and frontend as administrator. Os I'm using is Windows 7 Ultimate.

    Also, what did the NC stand for? Non Canon? I'm in the course of installing 6.1 normal just to see if its something related.
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    NC stands for new content.

    We've found the general trend to be that each release is successively more stable. There have not been many reports of instability with 6.1 like you describe, though Windows 7 can play goofy with ToEE at times (for some users ... others have no trouble at all).

    All this means that I supect the trouble is on your end. You may want to deactivate/reactivate the module just to start fresh and see what happens. Also, what anti-virus software do you use?
  3. Koski

    Koski Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    I'm running microsoft security essentials and they've ignored ToEE so far.

    I've tried reactivating and deactivating the 6.1 NC module but it didn't seem to help.

    I've also started as fresh as to create a new party and start the game. I did not however roll new characters, I just used the ones I rolled before.
  4. Koski

    Koski Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Hmm, installing 6.1 regular, deleting all saved games and characters, then activating 6.1NC again and starting new character seems to have worked.

    I shall not touch any more settings, I believe there is dark magic involved in this.
  5. Koski

    Koski Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    I'm currently crashing as I try to enter the temple map (from the world map). Is there a cinematic intro on the place I could skip? I'm starting to think my crashing is related to the videos.

    Either that or my hard work has gone to waste with a corrupted save. Other areas work just fine.

    Any tips on what I could do to make sure its a corrupted save and not just a video clip issue? How does one spot a corrupted save really?
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    To disable videos, go to your ToEE/data/movies folder and rename the movies you don't want to play. (The temple one is called 'temple_entrance.bik' or something like that.) After you rename them, they game won't play them.

    Have you read the troubleshooting guide in the Co8 Modpack EXplained sticky? There's also info in there about scaling movies that could be pertinent.

    As for corrupted saves, your game really shouldn't just become corrupted for no reason. There's usually something that causes it. That said, ToEE is so voodoo-ish that most times people don't know what the problem is. Hence we have 'random save corruption.'
  7. Koski

    Koski Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Yeah I did manage to get my save corrupted by a runaway turned monster still walking around a map after I left it (in the moathouse). After I left, rested and came back the map would always crash on me. I just couldn't think of a reason why a map I've never been into would crash, other than the video issue.

    Is there a way to view the bik format videos? I really wouldn't want to miss out on the story just 'cos of that. Not that the videos themselves are that major to begin with :p still, adds to the experience as its the first time I am properly playing this game.
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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