No, this was not about girl, just about general social interactions Anyway, progress report - today I was told that I am "kind as a camomile flower". Sounds fine, except that there is no such idiom in Russian language.
Why does any of this matter if it doesn't involve a girl? All your enemies, underlings, allies, and superiors are just as well off thinking you're a pompous a-hole; you should only bend over backwards for the ladies.
I've never heard of that idiom in English either, maybe you've inspired a new addition to the russian language, and in 100 years it will be well known and used often.
I just told my sister, and she said "romashka, it sounds sweet, maybe we could make it catch on in english."
Do not get so excited, my posts in this thread are not about any "hot" action, furthermore, you do not think I'll court my students? That would be so dishonestly - to put them at such disadvantage.