I'm new and am in need of help

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by cbarchuk, May 10, 2011.

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  1. cbarchuk

    cbarchuk Member

    May 10, 2011
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    Hey everybody,

    I just recently stumbled upon this hidden gem of game and decided to purchase it from GOG lastnight. Played it for a few hours and had no bugs or problems that I could see. Got up this morning and reloaded my save. My party is currently in the Inn of the Welcoming Wench. Everytime now that I go to rest, the screen just fades to black and hangs there. I can still here the music and everything. From there I have to ctrl-alt-delete to close the game down. I had no problems whatsoever lastnight. I'm running the dreaded Vista and I don't have any other patches on the game since I was under the assumption that it came fully patched. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch.

    P.S. I don't have the Co8 mod either. Maybe that's the problem?
    Last edited: May 10, 2011
  2. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    I need to install the 2 first patches for my game, but then i have the CD version.
    Installing the co8 modpack is essential, dont use the NC the first time you play but when you feel comfortable with the game you might wanna try the NewContent.
    CO8 has done alot of bugfixes so i will solve most of the issues.

    Have fun

  3. cbarchuk

    cbarchuk Member

    May 10, 2011
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    Thanks for the reply. Interesting enough, I took my party and left the inn and then went back inside and tried resting again. No problems. But I'll install the Co8 mod as well. Man, is there any specific tips I should as far creating my party goes? I've been reading a ton of stuff and I'm just not sure where to begin...lol
  4. cbarchuk

    cbarchuk Member

    May 10, 2011
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    Ran into an issue trying to install the newest mod pack. After I specify my game directory I get this error:

    MoveFile Failed; code 2
    System Cannot Find the File Specified

    From here I can either try again which gives me the same error, ignore it and skip which I assume isn't a good idea or abort. Anyhow, has anyone had this error when installing the Co8 mod?
  5. cbarchuk

    cbarchuk Member

    May 10, 2011
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    Ugh, this really getting frustrating. I finally figure out that the error was from my anti-virus and/or firewall so I disable both of those and did fresh install of the game running it as adminstrator. Did the same with the Co8 mod and it worked. It installed successfully. I click on the Front End X link on the desktop and it says the file needs to be in the game folder. So I put the shortcut in my game folder, click it and it says the same thing. File needs to be in the game folder. I have no idea what to do now. This sucks:thumbsdow
  6. Gavial

    Gavial Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Are you using 6.0.0? If so there is a small error in the installer, it appends "Temple of Elemental evil" to the selected directory. So select the directory above that (named Atari on my system) at install and it will work.
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Also, some AV software will still delete or quarantine the executable (toee.exe) even if it (the AV software) is not running, if you can believe that. If you can't add toee.exe as an exception and your AV software is still doing that, that software has to be uninstalled in order for the game to launch reliably. (And you would presumably install different, less contentious AV software. I use AVG Free with no problems.)

    This and other useful information is detailed in this sticky thread: The Circle of Eight Modpack Explained. It should be your first stop for any problems you encounter, as well as other general mod-related information.
  8. cbarchuk

    cbarchuk Member

    May 10, 2011
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    Bingo! That's what was happening. My anti-virus kept putting my ToEL.exe into the quarantine folder. So everything is working now. I just have to keep my anti-virus off. Sorry for my frustration. I've really been wanting to play this and just didn't realize how many hoops there were to jump through. Thanks
  9. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    I find it easier to go with a larger party when first starting out. Until you learn the game's mechanics and some basic tactics, its better to have a few more on your side whacking the guys on the other side. With the Co8 Front End you can change the maximum amount of PCs from 5 up to 8. I suggest not going with the full 8, as every once in a while you might need to escort an NPC somewhere, and there are some interesting NPC who can join your party. Maybe go with 6, one each of the iconic classes-fighter, rogue, wizard, cleric, then add a couple of others you might like. Have a little more muscle up front for beginners can help until you learn which spells to use.
  10. felixthm

    felixthm Member

    Mar 18, 2009
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    I find that early game, fighters and especially barbarians help to make combat a lot easier. Wizard/Sorcerer spells at the first couple of levels are really really weak, and ranged weapons such as bows/crossbows need point-blank-shot --> precise shot before they get easier to use.

    Personally, I like to multi-class Druid-Fighters and Cleric-Fighters, but mostly the point is that melee classes are probably much more important than the other classes combat-wise, especially early game. Also, reach weapons are kinda overpowered in this game. "Enlarge person" with a glaive/ranseur armed lets you character AOO pretty much the whole screen.
  11. cbarchuk

    cbarchuk Member

    May 10, 2011
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    Thanks for the tips. This game is pretty sweet but a bit overwhelming. I kind of feel like my characters suck. I'm not using any reach weapons right now. I guess I could change that though my main fighter already has weapon specialization in battle axes. This is what I have right now:

    Level 4 Dwarven Fighter using battle axes
    Level 4 Rogue 3/Fighter 1 using a shortsword. Will dual wield later when I get better TWF feats
    Level 4 Ranger using a Longbow
    Level 4 Cleric using a Shield and Morningstar
    Level 4 Sorcerer using crappy sling and magic missle

    Then I've got Elmo who is really the best charcter of the party. At any rate I just don't really know if I'm building good characters. I've already made a few errors that I wish I could correct. At any rate I'm just going to try and slug it out till the end. Hopefully I'll make it lol.
  12. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Looks like a great party, if you ever see a wandering bard, ask him to join, I think you will like him.
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