Popped in again to say I was concerned for Cujo given the news of the last day or so. My prayer (such as it is): I hope all is well with that rascal (...or scoundrel, or rogue, or what-have-you), and may the Almighty grant His speed & comfort to those working to recover the trapped & injured, as well as mercy on the souls of those lost.
What time did the earthquake happen? Cujo was on the forums 13 hours ago... Nevertheless, I hope that there won't be more casualties than the media reported.
I ain't dead yet, but my home town is never gonna look the same again. I'm really worried about my russian teacher, I was suposed to have a lesson with her last night but couldn't get hold of her, the class is in the central city
I'm glad you're okay, Cujo. I hope the city, and the people affected, are able to recover quickly and well.
I don't think we'll recover as quickly as last time, after last time people kinda had a "chin up, lets get back into it" where as now everything is just soooo fucked up. my sister was in the cathedral square at the time, she works for the new zealand blood service - they were on a mobile collect, when the quake hit. She's fine, but a bit shellshocked, seeing people with chunks of rubble in their heads
well I just got in contact with my russian teacher, and shes ok, she wasn't in the building at the time of the earthquake which is lucky. Things are quite surreal atm, the streets sound so quite, soooo many helicopters flying over
I just saw the photos (been offline for a while) - that does indeed look bad. Living in the Bay Area in CA my whole life I've been through plenty of earthquakes - and while none have been as bad as the Loma Prieta quake in '89, they can are all be unsettling. Cujo, I'm glad to hear that you and your loved ones are safe.
You know you're from Christchurch when... 1.You use the term "liquefaction" and "seismic design" in casual conversation. 2.Digging a hole and pooping in your garden is no longer weird. 3. Your mayor describes the city as munted. If he means FUBARed, you agree 4.Weaving through car size potholes on the street is no longer weird 5.Going to Wellington to escape earthquakes makes sense 6.A shower is heaven 7.You have a preference of which kind of silt you'd rather shovel, dry or wet 8.You see tanks driving around town 9.You are always noting what you are under 10.Due to frequent aftershocks during the night, you sleep like a baby--every 10 minutes you wake up and sh*t yourself 11. A bunch of students turn up and your property looks better after they have gone than befor
I don't know if you guys have seen this picture, but I think its pretty epic... a tourist took this when the quake hit
Not to make light of the situation, but that is one f**ing amazing photo!! I'm guessing the dust plumes are from the fissure that opened?